O superendividamento de pessoa natural no ordenamento jurídico brasileiro a partir do advento da lei nº 14.181, de 1º de julho de 2021
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Policario, Eduardo Otávio Naranjo
Rovai, Armando Luiz
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Este trabalho objetivou estudar o tema do superendividamento no Brasil a partir
do advento da Lei Nº 14.181, de julho de 2021, por meio de um levantamento doutrinário e
jurisprudencial, considerando as produções acadêmicas e com análise da redação da Novel
Lei do Superendividamento. Mormente, buscou-se aclarar os eventuais pontos que podem
eventualmente ensejar discussões, tal-qualmente, tomou-se por preocupação os parâmetros
objetivos para a aplicação do conceito de Mínimo Existencial, no contexto ventilado na
Legislação em comento. Cuida-se, destarte, de todo de tema que comanda grande relevância,
a efeito, apontar-se-á que hodiernamente parcela expressiva da população brasileira se
amolda como Superendividada. Ao término dos estudos conclui-se que a Legislação em
comento convida uma alta gama de interpretações distintas.
The following work has set out to study the over indebtedness in Brasil, after the advent of the Law nº 14.181 of july of 2021, by means of studying the doctrine and jurisprudence, regarding academic papers and analysis of the new Law of Over Indebtedness. Moreover, this work seeks to shed light on the topics of likely legal contention. Concurrently, this work takes it upon itself to study the objective parameters for the application of the Existencial Minimum, such as in the context of said Law. It is, therefore, a work of great relevance, in effect, noting that currently a significant part of the Brazilian populous is in a situation that could be regarded as Over Indebtedness. By the end, this current study has led to conclusion that the commented Legislation can bring about a number of conflicting interpretations.
The following work has set out to study the over indebtedness in Brasil, after the advent of the Law nº 14.181 of july of 2021, by means of studying the doctrine and jurisprudence, regarding academic papers and analysis of the new Law of Over Indebtedness. Moreover, this work seeks to shed light on the topics of likely legal contention. Concurrently, this work takes it upon itself to study the objective parameters for the application of the Existencial Minimum, such as in the context of said Law. It is, therefore, a work of great relevance, in effect, noting that currently a significant part of the Brazilian populous is in a situation that could be regarded as Over Indebtedness. By the end, this current study has led to conclusion that the commented Legislation can bring about a number of conflicting interpretations.
superendividamento , minímo existencial , lei n° 14.181 , over indebtedness , existential minimum , law n° 14.181