Direito a morte digna
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Silva, Barbara Cristina Assis
Guilherme, Luiz Fernando do Vale de Almeida
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O presente trabalho visa refletir sobre a discussão do direito a morte digna
exercida por meio dos procedimentos medicamente disponíveis e conhecidos pela
ciência. Com isso o objetivo é a abordagem dos conceitos da matéria do biodireito e
da bioética ao qual o presente tema se encontra, trabalhando os princípios
norteadores da matéria jurídica dentro da legislação nacional, com foco na autonomia
dos agentes e da dignidade da pessoa humana, sobre a criminalidade ou não dos
procedimentos. A partir disso, será discutida a limitação do exercício da autonomia da
vontade em momentos de fim de vida, com os fundamentos da proibição da utilização
de procedimentos de abreviação da vida, e do uso do testamento vital como registro
oficial de manifestação de última vontade, utilizando-se para isso também, a análise
das legislações internacionais por meio do direito comparado.
This paper aims to ponder on the discussion of a right to an honorable death executed through medical procedures that are available and acknowledged by science. With that in mind, the goal is to approach the concepts of the disciplines in biolaw and bioethics to which the current theme relates to, visiting the guiding principles of jurisdiction in our national legislation, highlighting the private autonomy of related agents and the dignity of a human being, on the criminality or lack thereof in the involved procedures. From there, it will be discussed the limitation in exercising one's autonomy in life ending scenarios, with the fundaments of prohibition in using procedures to shorten one's life, and the use of a living will as an official record of manifestation from one's last wish, and combining with this too, the analysis of international legislations through comparative law.
This paper aims to ponder on the discussion of a right to an honorable death executed through medical procedures that are available and acknowledged by science. With that in mind, the goal is to approach the concepts of the disciplines in biolaw and bioethics to which the current theme relates to, visiting the guiding principles of jurisdiction in our national legislation, highlighting the private autonomy of related agents and the dignity of a human being, on the criminality or lack thereof in the involved procedures. From there, it will be discussed the limitation in exercising one's autonomy in life ending scenarios, with the fundaments of prohibition in using procedures to shorten one's life, and the use of a living will as an official record of manifestation from one's last wish, and combining with this too, the analysis of international legislations through comparative law.
biodireito , eutanásia , direito à vida , autonomia , biolaw , euthanasia , right to life , autonomy