Recuperação judicial/extrajudicial de associações civis
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Milliet, André Ferraz do Amaral
Maluf, Fernando Del Picchia
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O presente artigo tem como objetivo estudar a possibilidade de associações civis se
utilizarem dos institutos da recuperação judicial e extrajudicial, previstos na Lei 11.101/2005,
através da verificação dos requisitos, da finalidade, dos princípios e dos objetivos da legislação,
bem como as possíveis interpretações dos conceitos legais norteadores. Para tanto, serão
analisados alguns casos práticos de recuperações judiciais e extrajudiciais de associações civis,
englobando o entendimento da comunidade jurídica e da jurisprudência dos tribunais sobre o
The following article aims to study the possibility of non-profit civil association to file for judicial and extrajudicial reorganization proceedings, provided for in Law 11.101/2005, analyzing the statutory requirements, purpose, principles and goals of the legislation, as well as its possible guiding legal concepts. Therefore, some practical cases of non-profit judicial and extrajudicial reorganization proceedings will be analyzed, including the understandings of the legal community, as well as the position adopted by courts.
The following article aims to study the possibility of non-profit civil association to file for judicial and extrajudicial reorganization proceedings, provided for in Law 11.101/2005, analyzing the statutory requirements, purpose, principles and goals of the legislation, as well as its possible guiding legal concepts. Therefore, some practical cases of non-profit judicial and extrajudicial reorganization proceedings will be analyzed, including the understandings of the legal community, as well as the position adopted by courts.
recuperação judicial , recuperação extrajudicial , associação civil , atividade econômica , judicial reorganization , extrajudicial reorganization , non-profit civil association , economic activity