Multipropriedade imobiliária à luz do direito direito civil-constitucional
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Silva, Tamires Cordeiro Toledo
Almeida, Maria Cecília Ladeira de
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Este artigo tem como objeto de pesquisa a multipropriedade imobiliária. O objetivo
deste trabalho é examinar os principais aspectos do fenômeno, suas particularidades legais e
sua relevância sob o ponto de vista civil-constitucional. A metodologia utilizada para tanto,
foi a pesquisa bibliográfica sobre a literatura relevante sobre o tema. A análise do instituto
parte da reflexão sobre seu conceito e natureza jurídica, com enfoque nas principais
discussões que permearam a doutrina e jurisprudência pátrias a tal respeito antes do advento
da Lei 13.777/18. Após, são abordados os principais efeitos da inovação legislativa de 2018,
sobretudo a introdução dos artigos 1.358- B a 1.358-U ao Código Civil e a nova redação dada
aos artigos 176 e 178 da Lei de Registros Públicos. Busca-se instigar a reflexão sobre a
multipropriedade imobiliária sob a pespectiva do Direito Civil-Consititucional e, desta forma,
vislumbrar como o fenômeno pode se constituir como instrumento apto efetivar valores e
objetivos previstos constitucionalmente, com relevo ao potencial do instituto de maximixar o
aproveitamento de um imóvel que, como se sabe, é um recurso escasso e, assim, desempenhar
sua função social.
The aim of this paper is to discuss the main aspects of time sharing, as well as its legal particularitites and relevance according to Civil-Consitutional law. This paper uses extensive literature review on time sharing as a methodology. The analysis of time sharing is based on its concept and legal nature, focusing on the main debates that permeate its related doctrine and jurisprudence before the enactment of Law 13.3777/18. Then, I explore the principal effects of this legislative innovation, especially the introduction of articles 1.358-B to 1.358-U into the Civil Code as well as the new wording to articles 176 and 178 of the Public Records Law. The goal is to encourage reflection on time sharing according to Civil Constitutional Law in order to envision how such phenomenon can be an appropriate instrument to apply values and objectives constitutionally prescribed. Such an analysis emphasizes the potential of time sharing to maximize the use of an estate, which is a scarce resource, and therefore, to develop its social function.
The aim of this paper is to discuss the main aspects of time sharing, as well as its legal particularitites and relevance according to Civil-Consitutional law. This paper uses extensive literature review on time sharing as a methodology. The analysis of time sharing is based on its concept and legal nature, focusing on the main debates that permeate its related doctrine and jurisprudence before the enactment of Law 13.3777/18. Then, I explore the principal effects of this legislative innovation, especially the introduction of articles 1.358-B to 1.358-U into the Civil Code as well as the new wording to articles 176 and 178 of the Public Records Law. The goal is to encourage reflection on time sharing according to Civil Constitutional Law in order to envision how such phenomenon can be an appropriate instrument to apply values and objectives constitutionally prescribed. Such an analysis emphasizes the potential of time sharing to maximize the use of an estate, which is a scarce resource, and therefore, to develop its social function.
multipropriedade imobiliária , lei. 13.777/18 , direito civil-constitucional , time sharing , law 13.3777/18 , civil-constitutional law