Ações regressivas acidentárias e seus aspectos econômicos
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Rocha, Regiane Agricia
Pierdoná, Zélia Luiza
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Analisa a relação entre acidentes do trabalho, regras de proteção do trabalhador brasileiro e
ações regressivas acidentárias. Descreve as normas constitucionais e infraconstitucionais que
garantem a saúde e segurança do trabalho no ambiente laboral, impondo sanções pelo
descumprimento das regras de proteção. Aborda o conceito de acidentes do trabalho e os fatores
indispensáveis para a configuração desses eventos provenientes da culpa do empregador que
violou as normas de saúde e medicina do trabalho. Analisa os elementos constitutivos exigidos
por lei para a interposição das ações regressivas acidentárias em seus aspectos materiais e
formais. Investiga os aspectos econômicos das ações regressivas acidentárias por intermédio da
averiguação de indicadores que marcam a quantidade de acidentes do trabalho, o número de
benefícios previdenciários concedidos as vítimas, as despesas contraídas pela previdência
social, a quantidade de ações regressivas acidentárias ajuizadas, o estorno financeiro alcançado
pelas decisões favoráveis ao pedido judicial reivindicado pelo Instituto Nacional do Seguro
Social. Identifica os possíveis impactos econômicos e financeiros no orçamento previdenciário
pelo ressarcimento dos gastos contraídos pela autarquia federal nos casos de acidentes laborais
causados pelos empregadores violadores de normas de saúde, higiene e segurança do trabalho.
Study on accidental regressive actions, with emphasis on their economic aspects. It analyzes the relationship between occupational accidents, rules for the protection of Brazilian workers and accidental regressive actions. It describes the constitutional and infraconstitutional rules that guarantee health and safety at work in the workplace, imposing sanctions for non compliance with the rules of protection. It addresses the concept of occupational accidents and the indispensable factors for the configuration of these events arising from the fault of the employer who violated the norms of occupational health and medicine. It analyzes the constitutive elements required by law for the filing of accidental regressive actions in their material and formal aspects. It investigates the economic aspects of accidental regressive actions through the investigation of indicators that mark the number of occupational accidents, the number of social security benefits granted to victims, the expenses incurred by Social Security, the number of accidental regressive actions filed, the financial reversal reached by the decisions favorable to the judicial request claimed by the National Social Security Institute. It identifies the possible economic and financial impacts on the social security budget through the reimbursement of expenses incurred by the federal agency in cases of occupational accidents caused by employers who violate health, hygiene and safety standards at work.
Study on accidental regressive actions, with emphasis on their economic aspects. It analyzes the relationship between occupational accidents, rules for the protection of Brazilian workers and accidental regressive actions. It describes the constitutional and infraconstitutional rules that guarantee health and safety at work in the workplace, imposing sanctions for non compliance with the rules of protection. It addresses the concept of occupational accidents and the indispensable factors for the configuration of these events arising from the fault of the employer who violated the norms of occupational health and medicine. It analyzes the constitutive elements required by law for the filing of accidental regressive actions in their material and formal aspects. It investigates the economic aspects of accidental regressive actions through the investigation of indicators that mark the number of occupational accidents, the number of social security benefits granted to victims, the expenses incurred by Social Security, the number of accidental regressive actions filed, the financial reversal reached by the decisions favorable to the judicial request claimed by the National Social Security Institute. It identifies the possible economic and financial impacts on the social security budget through the reimbursement of expenses incurred by the federal agency in cases of occupational accidents caused by employers who violate health, hygiene and safety standards at work.
acidente do trabalho , responsabilidade do empregador , ação regressiva , occupational accidents , employer's responsibility , regressive action