O negócio jurídico processual e sua aplicabilidade na tutela coletiva
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Pachiari, Pedro
Dellore, Luiz Guilherme Pennacchi
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O presente artigo possui o escopo de analisar o instituto do negócio jurídico
processual e sua aplicabilidade na tutela coletiva lato sensu, sob a égide do Código de Processo
Civil de 2015 (CPC/2015), responsável por trazer uma nova roupagem menos publicista à tona,
por meio de seus novos princípios norteadores (cooperação, respeito ao autorregramento da
vontade, promoção pela resolução consensual de conflitos, duração razoável do processo,
princípio da eficiência, entre outros), dando maior protagonismo às partes e buscando a
democratização do processo. Analisa-se os possíveis entraves acerca do tema, uma vez que a
tutela coletiva possui um microssistema próprio para tratar dos direitos coletivos difusos,
coletivos stricto sensu, e individuais homogêneos, versando notoriamente sobre direitos
indisponíveis e sendo seus sujeitos titulares intermediados em juízo
The present article aims at analyzing the institute of procedural legal business and its applicability in collective protection lato sensu, under the aegis of the Code of Civil Procedure of 2015 (CPC / 2015), responsible for bringing a new legal form, through its new guiding principles (cooperation, respect for the self-restoration of the will, promotion by consensual resolution of conflicts, reasonable duration of the process, principle of efficiency, and so on), giving greater prominence to the parties and seeking the democratization of the process. Possible obstacles on the theme are analyzed, since the collective tutelage has its own microsystem to deal with diffuse collective rights, stricto sensu collective, and homogeneous individuals, notably dealing with unavailable rights and their titleholders being legitimized in court.
The present article aims at analyzing the institute of procedural legal business and its applicability in collective protection lato sensu, under the aegis of the Code of Civil Procedure of 2015 (CPC / 2015), responsible for bringing a new legal form, through its new guiding principles (cooperation, respect for the self-restoration of the will, promotion by consensual resolution of conflicts, reasonable duration of the process, principle of efficiency, and so on), giving greater prominence to the parties and seeking the democratization of the process. Possible obstacles on the theme are analyzed, since the collective tutelage has its own microsystem to deal with diffuse collective rights, stricto sensu collective, and homogeneous individuals, notably dealing with unavailable rights and their titleholders being legitimized in court.
negócio jurídico processual , tutela coletiva , negócio jurídico processual coletivo , procedural contract , collective protection , collective procedural contract