Resíduos sólidos urbanos: função socioambiental dos catadores
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Modolo, Paula Gabriela Vieira
Nohara, Irene Patricia
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A Política Nacional de Resíduos Sólidos, instituída pela Lei nº 12.305, tem como
um de seus princípios a responsabilidade compartilhada pelo ciclo de vida do produto, que conta
com a coleta seletiva como um dos instrumentos para sua implementação. A Lei observa que
tanto a responsabilidade compartilhada, como a coleta seletiva, deverão promover a integração
dos catadores de materiais recicláveis e reutilizáveis. Contudo, dificuldades para a
implementação destas e outras metas e diretrizes elencadas pela PNRS são encontradas pelo
poder público, setor empresarial e coletividade. Estes são os principais objetos deste estudo,
que serão analisados com escopo nos resíduos sólidos urbanos e majoritariamente sob o viés
One of the principles of the National Solid Waste Policy (PNRS), established by Law No. 12,305, is the shared responsibility for the product's life cycle, which includes selective collection as one of the instruments for its application. The Law notes that both shared responsibility and selective collection promote the integration of recyclable and reusable material collectors. However, the government, the business sector and the community identify difficulties in implementing these and other goals and guidelines defined by the PNRS. These are the main objects of this study, which will be analyzed with the scope of solid urban waste and mainly under its socio-environmental aspects.
One of the principles of the National Solid Waste Policy (PNRS), established by Law No. 12,305, is the shared responsibility for the product's life cycle, which includes selective collection as one of the instruments for its application. The Law notes that both shared responsibility and selective collection promote the integration of recyclable and reusable material collectors. However, the government, the business sector and the community identify difficulties in implementing these and other goals and guidelines defined by the PNRS. These are the main objects of this study, which will be analyzed with the scope of solid urban waste and mainly under its socio-environmental aspects.
Indicado ao prêmio TCC
lei nº 12.305 , resíduos sólidos urbanos , responsabilidade compartilhada , law 12.305 , urban waste , shared responsibility