O novo acordo de não persecução penal e sua aplicação aos crimes tributários
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Souza, Vitoria Rodrigues de
Barros, Marco Antônio de
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Com o advento da Lei Federal nº 13.964/2019, a denominada “Lei Antricrime”, foi inserido
no ordenamento jurídico o acordo de não persecução penal. Trata-se de uma hipótese de
justiça penal negociada, que abrange diversos tipos penais brasileiros, entre eles, os crimes
contra a ordem tributária. No entanto, tais delitos já possuem uma causa especial de extinção
da punibilidade conferida na legislação, que condiciona ao pagamento integral do tributo
devido. A discussão que permeia este trabalho é a viabilidade do acordo em tais crimes,
sem que haja a reparação integral do dano ao erário.
As of the Federal Brazilian Law nº 13.964/2019, as known as “Anticrime bill”, has been inserted in the legal system the non criminal prosecution agreement. It is a negotiated criminal justice hypotesis, that encompass various brazilian crimes, among them, the fiscal crimes. However, these offenses already have an especial cause of elimination of the possibility of punishment in the criminal sphere, being mandatory the tax payment in full. The discussion that envolves this text it is the liability of appling the agreement in that crimes, without the full repair to the public treasury.
As of the Federal Brazilian Law nº 13.964/2019, as known as “Anticrime bill”, has been inserted in the legal system the non criminal prosecution agreement. It is a negotiated criminal justice hypotesis, that encompass various brazilian crimes, among them, the fiscal crimes. However, these offenses already have an especial cause of elimination of the possibility of punishment in the criminal sphere, being mandatory the tax payment in full. The discussion that envolves this text it is the liability of appling the agreement in that crimes, without the full repair to the public treasury.
criminal procedure , negotiated criminal justice , non criminal prosecution agreement , criminal law , processo penal , justiça penal negociada , acordo de não persecução penal , direito penal