Os limites da judicialização da política pública de fornecimento de medicamentos – análise dos recursos extraordinários RE 657.718 e 566.471
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Souza, Matheus Fernandes de
Lima, Fernando Rister de Sousa
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O direito à saúde é um tema de grande discussão no meio jurídico, principalmente quanto à sua
efetivação e custeio. O direito que antes era segurado apenas aos dependentes do sistema
previdenciário, passou ser direito de todos e dever do Estado, conforme constitucionalizado na CF/88.
Nesse contexto os questionamentos recaem sobre o alcance destes direitos, especificamente será
tratado sobre o acesso a medicamentos, como será implementado, qual o orçamento destinado a este
direito e se o Estado como principal prestador é obrigado a fornecer qualquer fármaco ou tratamento
independente do custo ou de comprovação científica, ou ainda de registro na autoridade sanitária
competente. Assim, a pesquisa tem por escopo identificar se há qualquer limitação imposta às ações
judicias que visam o fornecimento de medicamentos não disponibilizados pelo Sistema Único de
Saúde, principalmente no ponto de vista econômico quanto à limitação da fonte de custeio destinada
aos entes federativos para o cumprimento deste direito. Parte-se, portanto, das hipóteses de que as
decisões judiciais devem ser autônomas e independentes, mas deve-se levar em conta a
disponibilidade de verba pública para que não cause déficit em outras áreas de prestação de serviço
público que não a saúde, e de que as políticas públicas, visando a universalidade do fornecimento de
medicamento via SUS em relação ao fornecimento seletivo, devem ser priorizadas. O estudo foi
pautado principalmente na investigação empírica, a partir da coleta de dados oficiais sobre a Política
de Assistência Farmacêutica e respectivo orçamento e gastos anuais, bem como dados sobre o custo
e crescimento da judicialização no país, em complementação à análise do julgamento dos Recursos
de Repercussão Geral 657.718 e 566.471. Tal análise consistiu no acompanhamento das sessões de
julgamento e leitura dos votos e acórdãos proferidos. O resultado da pesquisa confirmou as hipóteses
iniciais, vez que restou concluído, pelo posicionamento do Supremo Tribunal Federal, bem como
pelo aprimoramento das políticas existentes, que o país esteja caminhando para a limitação da
obtenção de medicamentos por decisões judiciais à observância de políticas públicas e recursos pré
aprovados, de modo que o fornecimento de medicamentos de alto custo, a partir da fixação de tese
do STF, vai estar limitado não só a questões sanitárias e comerciais, mas também à questões
The right to health is a topic of great discussion in the legal environment, mainly regarding its effectiveness and cost. The right formerly guaranteed only to insured parties and dependents of the social security system, became right to all people and a duty of the State, as it became part of the CF/88. In this context, the discussion is regarding on the scope of these rights, specifically we will deal with access to medicines, how it will be implemented, what budget is allocated to this right and whether the State as the main provider is obliged to provide any drug or treatment regardless of cost or scientific proof, or even registration with the competent health authority. Thus, the search scope is to identify whether there is any limitation imposed on legal actions aimed at the supply of medicines not made available by the Unified Health System, mainly from an economic point of view regarding the limitation of the funding source destined to federative entities for compliance this right. Therefore, it is assumed that the judicial decisions must be autonomous and independent, but the availability of public funds must be taken into account so that they do not cause deficits in other areas of public service provision than health, and that public policies, aiming at the universality of medicine supply by SUS in relation to selective supply, should be prioritized. The study is mainly based on empirical research, based on the collection of official data on the Pharmaceutical Assistance Policy and respective budget and annual expenses, as well as data on the cost and growth of judicialization in the country, in addition to the analysis of the Appeals judgment. General Repercussion 657.718 and 566.471. Such analysis consisted of monitoring the judgment sessions and reading the votes and judgments handed down. The result of the research confirmed the initial hypotheses, since it remained concluded, due to the position of the Supreme Federal Court, as well as the improvement of existing policies, that Brazil is moving towards limiting the obtaining of medicines by judicial decisions to the observance of public policies and pre-approved resources, so that the supply of high-cost drugs, based on the establishment of the STF's thesis, will be limited not only to sanitary and commercial issues, but also to budgetary issues.
The right to health is a topic of great discussion in the legal environment, mainly regarding its effectiveness and cost. The right formerly guaranteed only to insured parties and dependents of the social security system, became right to all people and a duty of the State, as it became part of the CF/88. In this context, the discussion is regarding on the scope of these rights, specifically we will deal with access to medicines, how it will be implemented, what budget is allocated to this right and whether the State as the main provider is obliged to provide any drug or treatment regardless of cost or scientific proof, or even registration with the competent health authority. Thus, the search scope is to identify whether there is any limitation imposed on legal actions aimed at the supply of medicines not made available by the Unified Health System, mainly from an economic point of view regarding the limitation of the funding source destined to federative entities for compliance this right. Therefore, it is assumed that the judicial decisions must be autonomous and independent, but the availability of public funds must be taken into account so that they do not cause deficits in other areas of public service provision than health, and that public policies, aiming at the universality of medicine supply by SUS in relation to selective supply, should be prioritized. The study is mainly based on empirical research, based on the collection of official data on the Pharmaceutical Assistance Policy and respective budget and annual expenses, as well as data on the cost and growth of judicialization in the country, in addition to the analysis of the Appeals judgment. General Repercussion 657.718 and 566.471. Such analysis consisted of monitoring the judgment sessions and reading the votes and judgments handed down. The result of the research confirmed the initial hypotheses, since it remained concluded, due to the position of the Supreme Federal Court, as well as the improvement of existing policies, that Brazil is moving towards limiting the obtaining of medicines by judicial decisions to the observance of public policies and pre-approved resources, so that the supply of high-cost drugs, based on the establishment of the STF's thesis, will be limited not only to sanitary and commercial issues, but also to budgetary issues.
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políticas públicas , fornecimento de medicamento , judicialização da saúde public policies , drug supply , health judicialization , federal court of justice