O limite indenizatório dos danos materiais em casos de acidentes aéreos internacionais
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Lellis, Maria Beatriz Lopes
Ariente, Eduardo Altomare
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A partir da globalização, o transporte aéreo tornou-se cada vez mais necessário e,
consequentemente, aperfeiçoado para que, de fato, cumprisse o seu objetivo: transportar as
pessoas vencendo longas distâncias, de forma rápida e segura. Inobstante a segurança desse
serviço seja inquestionável, não é nula a possibilidade de ocorrência de acidentes aéreos. Nesse
diapasão, o objetivo precípuo do trabalho consiste em elencar as razões de inconstitucionalidade
e de ilegalidade da tarifação indenizatória prevista pelas Convenções Internacionais de
Varsóvia e Montreal, em casos de acidentes aéreos internacionais, à luz do RE nº 363/331/RJ,
bem como propor uma solução para a aparente antinomia verificada entre as referidas normas
internacionais e o Código de Defesa do Consumidor.
Since globalization, air transport has become more and more necessary and, consequently, improved, so that, in fact, it could fulfill its objective, to transport people over long distances, quickly and safely. While the safety of this service is unquestionable, the possibility of air accidents is not null and void. The main objective of this work is to list the reasons for the unconstitutionality and illegality of the indemnity tariff provided by the Warsaw and Montreal International Conventions, in cases of international air accidents, in the light of extraordinary appeal nº 363/331/RJ, and to propose a solution to the apparent antinomy between these international standards and the Consumer Protection Code.
Since globalization, air transport has become more and more necessary and, consequently, improved, so that, in fact, it could fulfill its objective, to transport people over long distances, quickly and safely. While the safety of this service is unquestionable, the possibility of air accidents is not null and void. The main objective of this work is to list the reasons for the unconstitutionality and illegality of the indemnity tariff provided by the Warsaw and Montreal International Conventions, in cases of international air accidents, in the light of extraordinary appeal nº 363/331/RJ, and to propose a solution to the apparent antinomy between these international standards and the Consumer Protection Code.
convenções internacionais , indenização , danos materiais , international conventions , indemnity , material damage