A importância da preservação da empresa para o estado e sua administração
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Pozzani, Bruno de
Bezerra Filho, Manoel Justino
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Membros da banca
O objetivo deste trabalho é demonstrar a importância do instituto da recuperação judicial de empresas como fonte de recursos para o Estado e sua administração, à luz da Lei nº 11.101/2005 (LRE) e da Lei nº 14.112/2020. Nesse sentido, serão analisados: a função social da empresa, a arrecadação de impostos provenientes de suas atividades econômicas, o panorama histórico das empresas em crise no país e algumas divergências existentes entre doutrinas e jurisprudências. Conclui-se, de forma geral, que no contexto contemporâneo a empresa não se caracteriza mais como uma mera produtora ou com objetivos únicos de lucrar, mas passou a ter uma importante relevância no quesito socioeconômico para o país, pois movimenta a economia como um todo, produzindo bens e gerando empregos de forma direta e indireta, devendo o Estado visar a sua preservação e reestruturação nos casos de recuperação judicial ou falência.
The objective of this work is to demonstrate the importance of the judicial reorganization institute of companies as a source of resource for the State and its administration in light of Law No. 11.101/2005 (LRE) and Law No. 14.112/2020. In this sense, the social function of the company will be analyzed, the collection of taxes from their economic activities, the historical perspective of companies in the crisis in the country and some divergences between doctrines and jurisprudence. It is concluded, in general, that in the contemporary context, the company is not recognized as a mere producer or for the only aims of profiting, it started to have an important relevance in the socio-economic aspect for the country as it moves economy, producing goods and generating jobs directly and indirectly owing State preservation and restructuring in cases of judicial recovery or bankruptcy.
The objective of this work is to demonstrate the importance of the judicial reorganization institute of companies as a source of resource for the State and its administration in light of Law No. 11.101/2005 (LRE) and Law No. 14.112/2020. In this sense, the social function of the company will be analyzed, the collection of taxes from their economic activities, the historical perspective of companies in the crisis in the country and some divergences between doctrines and jurisprudence. It is concluded, in general, that in the contemporary context, the company is not recognized as a mere producer or for the only aims of profiting, it started to have an important relevance in the socio-economic aspect for the country as it moves economy, producing goods and generating jobs directly and indirectly owing State preservation and restructuring in cases of judicial recovery or bankruptcy.
recuperação judicial , empresas , administração pública , estado , judicial reorganization , companies , public administration , state