A cláusula compromissória arbitral no plano de recuperação judicial
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Deccache, José Guimarães
Vasconcelos, Ronaldo
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O presente artigo trata da possibilidade de inclusão da cláusula compromissória arbitral no
plano de recuperação judicial. O artigo é divido em 5 partes. A primeira parte consiste na
possibilidade jurídica da dita inclusão, comparando os princípios das leis 9.307/96 e 11.101/05
e analisando se são compatíveis entre si. A segunda, aborda de como se trata a questão do
Interesse Público no processo de recuperação judicial, visto que o procedimento arbitral refere se apenas a direitos patrimoniais disponíveis. A terceira, é a conveniência da inclusão da
cláusula no plano. A quarta parte enfrenta sobre como são tratados os credores ausentes ou
dissidentes à assinatura do plano. Por fim, a conclusão.
This article deals with the possibility of including the arbitration clause in the judicial reorganization plan. The article is divided into 5 parts. The first part is the legal possibility of said inclusion, comparing the principles of Laws 9.307/96 and 11.101/05 and analyzing whether they are compatible with each other. The second addresses how the issue of Public Interest is dealt with in the judicial reorganization process, since the arbitral proceedings refer only to available equity rights. The third is the convenience of including the clause in the plan. The fourth part deals with how absent or dissenting creditors are treated when signing the plan. Finally, the conclusion.
This article deals with the possibility of including the arbitration clause in the judicial reorganization plan. The article is divided into 5 parts. The first part is the legal possibility of said inclusion, comparing the principles of Laws 9.307/96 and 11.101/05 and analyzing whether they are compatible with each other. The second addresses how the issue of Public Interest is dealt with in the judicial reorganization process, since the arbitral proceedings refer only to available equity rights. The third is the convenience of including the clause in the plan. The fourth part deals with how absent or dissenting creditors are treated when signing the plan. Finally, the conclusion.
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plano de recuperação judicial , cláusula compromissória arbitral , compatibilidade , interesse público , judicial reorganization plan , arbitration clause , compatible , public interest