Violência sexual infantil e a revitimização no processo penal
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André, Jaqueline
Zanella, Everton Luiz
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O presente estudo tem por objetivo abordar o tema do abuso sexual de crianças e
adolescentes dentro do ambiente familiar e a consequente revitimização a qual o menor é
submetido no vigente sistema de inquirição judicial e extrajudicial. Iniciando pelos
direitos da personalidade da criança e do adolescente, que gozam de proteção especial na
Constituição Federal, no Estatuto da Criança e do Adolescente e no ordenamento jurídico
como um todo. Visa também demonstrar que é possível proteger psicologicamente os
menores, evitando a repetição excessiva de declarações e os danos provocados na
produção de provas. Para que o tema seja mais bem compreendido, aborda alguns
conceitos básicos, destaca como é a atual sistemática de oitiva dos menores vitimados e
a necessidade do preparo dos profissionais aos danos emocionais causados. Por fim,
detalha sobre a lei 13.431/17 que traz uma nova metodologia de inquirição de crianças e
adolescentes vítimas de abuso sexual, pelo poder judiciário, a qual ainda é tema muito
debatido pela sua metodologia e aplicação na realidade do ordenamento jurídico
brasileiro. Nesse sentido, o trabalho expõe estes questionamentos e a ideal solução para
a proteção integral das crianças e dos adolescentes vítimas.
The purpose of the present study is to deliberate childhood and adolescent sexual abuse within the family environment and the constant re-victimization to which minors are submitted in the current judicial and extrajudicial inquiry system. In the first place, it describes child and adolescent rights to personality, that have special protection assured by the federal constitution, the Child and Adolescent Statute and the judiciary system as a whole. Additionally, it states that it’s possible to psychologically protect young victims by avoiding an excessive repetition of statements and the damage incurred by proof production. For this purpose, and to make the topic clearer, it explains a few basic concepts, it describes how the present process of collecting testimony works and the need to better prepare these professionals for the emotional and psychological damage these victims had endured. Furthermore, it details law nº 13.431/17 that proposes a new inquiry methodology by the judicial power and which is still the center of many debates due to its methodology and execution in the present judicial system and hierarchy of laws. To conclude, this work unveils related questions and an ideal solution to fully protect child and adolescents victims of sexual abuse and assault.
The purpose of the present study is to deliberate childhood and adolescent sexual abuse within the family environment and the constant re-victimization to which minors are submitted in the current judicial and extrajudicial inquiry system. In the first place, it describes child and adolescent rights to personality, that have special protection assured by the federal constitution, the Child and Adolescent Statute and the judiciary system as a whole. Additionally, it states that it’s possible to psychologically protect young victims by avoiding an excessive repetition of statements and the damage incurred by proof production. For this purpose, and to make the topic clearer, it explains a few basic concepts, it describes how the present process of collecting testimony works and the need to better prepare these professionals for the emotional and psychological damage these victims had endured. Furthermore, it details law nº 13.431/17 that proposes a new inquiry methodology by the judicial power and which is still the center of many debates due to its methodology and execution in the present judicial system and hierarchy of laws. To conclude, this work unveils related questions and an ideal solution to fully protect child and adolescents victims of sexual abuse and assault.
violência sexual intrafamiliar , vítima menor , abuso infantil , provas no processo penal , lei de depoimento especial , intra-familial sexual abuse , minor victim , child abuse , proofs in the criminal system , special testimony