Franchising como modelo de negócio - seria a opçāo mais vantajosa para o empreendedor iniciante?
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Mantovani, Vivian Maria Garcia
Dallari Júnior, Hélcio de Abreu
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O presente artigo tem como objetivo analisar o modelo de Franchising que foi adotado no Brasil
com o nome Modelo de Franquia Empresarial, suas particularidades e pontos positivos e
negativos como modelo de negócio para o empreendedor iniciante. Na década de 1980 o
movimento do franchising ganhou força no Brasil e um grande número de empresas começou
a adotar esse modelo de negócio. Com a grande expansāo, em 1987, a Associação Brasileira de
Franchising (ABF) foi criada. Com isso, o setor pôde amadurecer e mais tarde, em 1994, uma
própria legislação para reger o contrato de franchising foi criada: a Lei nº 8.955/1994. Aquele
que opta por empreender ja tomou uma decisão importante e o próximo passo é decidir em que
modelo de negócio ele melhor se adapta e mais se identifica. O empreendedor pode criar a sua
própria marca ou optar por tornar-se um franqueado, mas faz-se necessário antes de tomar essa
decisão, analisar as particularidades do sistema e o que o diferencia da criaçāo de uma marca.
This article aims to analyze the Franchising model, which was adopted in Brazil named Business Franchise Model, its particularities and positive and negative points as a business model for the beginning entrepreneur. In the 1980s, the franchising movement gained momentum in Brazil and a large number of companies began to adopt this business model. With the great expansion, in 1987, the Brazilian Franchising Association (ABF) was created. Because of this the sector was able to mature and later, in 1994, an own legislation to govern the franchising contract was created: Law nº 8.955/1994. Those who choose to become an entrepreneur has already made an important decision and the next step is to decide in which business model he best adapts and identifies themself the most. The entrepreneur can create his own brand or choose to become a franchisee, but it is necessary before making that decision, to analyze the particularities of the system and what differentiates it from the creation of a brand.
This article aims to analyze the Franchising model, which was adopted in Brazil named Business Franchise Model, its particularities and positive and negative points as a business model for the beginning entrepreneur. In the 1980s, the franchising movement gained momentum in Brazil and a large number of companies began to adopt this business model. With the great expansion, in 1987, the Brazilian Franchising Association (ABF) was created. Because of this the sector was able to mature and later, in 1994, an own legislation to govern the franchising contract was created: Law nº 8.955/1994. Those who choose to become an entrepreneur has already made an important decision and the next step is to decide in which business model he best adapts and identifies themself the most. The entrepreneur can create his own brand or choose to become a franchisee, but it is necessary before making that decision, to analyze the particularities of the system and what differentiates it from the creation of a brand.
modelo de franquia empresarial , fanchising , franqueado , associação brasileira de franchising (ABF) , business franchise model , fanchising , franchisee , brazilian franchising association