Tráfico de drogas privilegiado: análise dos dissídios jurisprudenciais dos tribunais superiores no tange ao requisito da não dedicação à atividade criminosa
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Gomes, Victória Bueno de Souza
Scalquette, Rodrigo Arnoni
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O presente trabalho tem o objetivo de analisar os dissídios jurisprudenciais
existentes nos Tribunais Superiores acerca do tráfico de drogas privilegiado, no que
tange ao requisito da não dedicação à atividade criminosa. A divergência reside na
idoneidade de utilização de inquérito policial em andamento e/ou ação penal sem
trânsito em julgado para formar a convicção de que o réu se dedique à atividade
criminosa, de modo a afastar a aplicação da causa especial de diminuição de pena
prevista no artigo 33, §4º, da Lei de Drogas. Para que a análise fosse possível,
abordou-se os aspectos principiológicos e doutrinários acerca do tema, bem como
foi feito o levantamento das decisões judiciais nos sítios eletrônicos daqueles
tribunais. Os arestos foram selecionados pelo método qualitativo, razão pela qual
foram escolhidos aqueles que melhor representam os posicionamentos dos
Tribunais Superiores atualmente. Com base nos arestos elegidos, foi feita análise
dos fundamentos utilizados nas decisões, bem como o ponto fulcral ensejador da
The present work aims to analyze the existing jurisprudential differences in the Superior Courts regarding privileged drug trafficking, with regard to the requirement of non-dedication to criminal activity. The divergence lies in the suitability of using a police investigation in progress and / or criminal action without final judgment to form the conviction that the defendant is engaged in criminal activity, in order to exclude the application of the special cause of reduction of sentence provided for in article 33, paragraph 4, of the Drug Law. In order for the analysis to be possible, the principle and doctrinal aspects of the theme were addressed, as well as the survey of judicial decisions on the electronic sites of those courts. The judgement were selected using the qualitative method, which is why they were chosen from those that best represent the positions of the Superior Courts today. Based on the chosen judgement, an analysis was made of the fundamentals used in the decisions, as well as the central point that gave rise to the divergence.
The present work aims to analyze the existing jurisprudential differences in the Superior Courts regarding privileged drug trafficking, with regard to the requirement of non-dedication to criminal activity. The divergence lies in the suitability of using a police investigation in progress and / or criminal action without final judgment to form the conviction that the defendant is engaged in criminal activity, in order to exclude the application of the special cause of reduction of sentence provided for in article 33, paragraph 4, of the Drug Law. In order for the analysis to be possible, the principle and doctrinal aspects of the theme were addressed, as well as the survey of judicial decisions on the electronic sites of those courts. The judgement were selected using the qualitative method, which is why they were chosen from those that best represent the positions of the Superior Courts today. Based on the chosen judgement, an analysis was made of the fundamentals used in the decisions, as well as the central point that gave rise to the divergence.
tráfico de drogas privilegiado , requisito , não dedicação à atividade criminosa , divergência jurisprudencial , drug trafficking , privileged , no dedication to criminal activity , jurisprudential divergence