Incidência do imposto de renda sobre rendimentos provenientes do ilícito
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Inada, Henrique Tsuyoshi
Sabbag, Eduardo de Moraes
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A presente monográfica busca analisar o conceito da máxima latina conhecida como
“pecunia non olet”, prevista no artigo 118 da Lei nº 5.172/1996 (Código Tributário Nacional),
bem como a relação que este princípio exerce sobre a incidência, ou não, do Imposto de renda
sobre rendimentos provenientes do ilícito. Para isso, fez-se necessário conceituar diversos
aspectos deste trabalho, como a definição do que é tributo, suas características e conceitos, bem
como seus princípios e especificidades.
Após, buscou-se demonstrar o conceito de rendimento ilícito e a possibilidade de o
Fisco Federal cobrar o conhecido Imposto de Renda sobre tais rendimentos. Esse estudo foi
realizado a partir da análise conjunta de diversas doutrinas e de casos julgados pelo Conselho
Administrativo de Recursos Fiscais.
This monograph seeks to analyze the concept of the Latin quote known as “pecunia non olet”, foreseen in article 118 of Law nº 5.172 / 1996 (National Tax Code), as well as the relationship that this principle has on the incidence, or not, of the Income Tax on incomes from the illicit. For that, it was necessary to conceptualize several aspects of this work, such as the definition of what is tribute, its characteristics and concepts, as well as its principles and specificities. Afterwards, the study sought to demonstrate the concept of illicit income and the possibility of the Receita Federal do Brasil charging the well-known Income Tax on such income. This study was carried out based on the joint analysis of several doctrines and cases judged by the Administrative Council for Tax Appeals
This monograph seeks to analyze the concept of the Latin quote known as “pecunia non olet”, foreseen in article 118 of Law nº 5.172 / 1996 (National Tax Code), as well as the relationship that this principle has on the incidence, or not, of the Income Tax on incomes from the illicit. For that, it was necessary to conceptualize several aspects of this work, such as the definition of what is tribute, its characteristics and concepts, as well as its principles and specificities. Afterwards, the study sought to demonstrate the concept of illicit income and the possibility of the Receita Federal do Brasil charging the well-known Income Tax on such income. This study was carried out based on the joint analysis of several doctrines and cases judged by the Administrative Council for Tax Appeals
pecunia non olet , artigo 118 do código tributário nacional , imposto de renda , rendimentos ilícitos , CARF , article 118 of law 5.172 / 1996 , income tax