A prisão civil do devedor de alimentos e a responsabilidade do estado diante o abandono material do menor
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Sakr, Tatiana Kamel
Gurgel, Fernanda Pessanha do Amaral
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O presente trabalho busca compreender o instituto da prisão cível do devedor de alimentos; onde surgiu no ordenamento; quais seus efeitos; sua validade; suas características; o que o diferencia das demais prisões. Bem como percorrer a necessidade deste instituto e a responsabilidade do Estado. A ideia aqui é tentar demonstrar que nas interações familiares, o Estado tem sim um papel fundamental. E, ainda, demonstrar que há situações e situações, e que nem todo direito é absoluto, pois dependendo do tempo, há a necessidade de sua alteração. O afeto, o amor, o carinho, podem acabar. Mas a responsabilidade permanece e é a está que daremos enfoque nesse estudo.
This paper analyzes the institute of civil imprisonment of the maintenance debtor; where it appeared in the planning; what its effects are; its validity; its characteristics; what sets it apart from other prisons. As well as looking at the need for this institute and the responsibility of the State. The idea here is trying to demonstrate that in family interactions, the State has a fundamental role. And yet, demonstrate that there are different situations, and that not every right is absolute, because depending on time, there is the need to change it. Affection and love can end. But the responsibility remains and that is what we will focus on this study.
This paper analyzes the institute of civil imprisonment of the maintenance debtor; where it appeared in the planning; what its effects are; its validity; its characteristics; what sets it apart from other prisons. As well as looking at the need for this institute and the responsibility of the State. The idea here is trying to demonstrate that in family interactions, the State has a fundamental role. And yet, demonstrate that there are different situations, and that not every right is absolute, because depending on time, there is the need to change it. Affection and love can end. But the responsibility remains and that is what we will focus on this study.
prisão civil , família , responsabilidade , obrigação , civil prison , family , responsibility , obligation