Contratos de adesão: da proteção do direito ao consumidor em relação à cláusula abusiva
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Santos, Henrique Oliveira dos
Soares, Renata Domingues Balbino Munhoz
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Membros da banca
No presente trabalho será exposta a análise acerca da abusividade das cláusulas
presentes nos contratos de adesão, em especial atenção a cláusulas que afrontam o
inciso IV do art. 51 do Código de Defesa do Consumidor. A pesquisa encontra
embasamento no Código mencionado o qual dispõe sobre a proteção dos direitos do
consumidor, tanto no âmbito individual como no coletivo. Em primeiro plano, será
conceituada a relação de consumo e seus elementos, tais como pessoas e objetos
envolvidos, à visão do mundo jurídico. Ademais, o estudo adentrará na definição de
contrato de adesão e de cláusula abusiva.Objetiva-se neste trabalho analisar a aplicação
e a eficácia do sistema de proteção do consumidor em face das diversas abusividades,
em especial atenção ao inciso IV do mencionado artigo, existentes em contratos de
In this research the subject that will be discussed is about the abusive of some clauses in adhesion contract, with a special look at the ones that violates the art. 51, inc. IV of the Consumer Defense Code.This research is based on the code just mentioned which is about the protection of singular consumers or consumers coletive speaking.First, the consumer relationship and it’s elements will be conceptualized by how the Law sees it. After that, the concept of adhesion contract and abusive clause wil be adressed.The main goal of this research is to find out if the current protection sistem is effective enough to protect the consumer of the several abusiveness, with a special attention dedicated to the art. 51, inc. IV of Consumer Defense Code, which are often included in the adhesion contracts.
In this research the subject that will be discussed is about the abusive of some clauses in adhesion contract, with a special look at the ones that violates the art. 51, inc. IV of the Consumer Defense Code.This research is based on the code just mentioned which is about the protection of singular consumers or consumers coletive speaking.First, the consumer relationship and it’s elements will be conceptualized by how the Law sees it. After that, the concept of adhesion contract and abusive clause wil be adressed.The main goal of this research is to find out if the current protection sistem is effective enough to protect the consumer of the several abusiveness, with a special attention dedicated to the art. 51, inc. IV of Consumer Defense Code, which are often included in the adhesion contracts.
código de defesa do consumidor , direito do consumidor , contrato de adesão , consumer defense code , consumer’s rights , adhesion contracts