Danos morais e a sua quantificação nas relações consumeristas
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Basso, Giovanna Sant'Anna
Soares, Renata Domingues Balbino Munhoz
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Membros da banca
analisar os possíveis critérios utilizados para quantificar os danos morais nas relações
de consumo. Método: trata-se de um estudo bibliográfico, de livros que versam sobre o assunto,
artigos e julgados do Superior Tribunal de Justiça e dos demais tribunais brasileiros.
Resultados: identificaram-se alguns critérios que podem ser utilizados para arbitrar a
quantificação dos danos morais nas relações consumeristas. Durante este processo, diferenciouse
o dano moral do mero aborrecimento nestas relações. Conclusão: concluiu-se que a
quantificação do dano moral deve ser fixada de acordo com os elementos concretos de cada ato
danoso, considerando-se aspectos subjetivos e objetivos.
to analyze the possible discretions used to quantify moral damage in consumer relations. Method: this is a bibliographic study, of books, articles and judgments of the Superior Court of Justice and other Brazilian courts were used to analyze this subject. Results: some discretions can be used to arbitrate the quantification of moral damage in consumer relations. Besides that, in the process, moral damage was distinguished from mere annoyance in these relationships. Conclusion: it was concluded that the quantification of moral damage must be fixed according to the concrete elements of each harmful act, considering subjective and objective aspects.
to analyze the possible discretions used to quantify moral damage in consumer relations. Method: this is a bibliographic study, of books, articles and judgments of the Superior Court of Justice and other Brazilian courts were used to analyze this subject. Results: some discretions can be used to arbitrate the quantification of moral damage in consumer relations. Besides that, in the process, moral damage was distinguished from mere annoyance in these relationships. Conclusion: it was concluded that the quantification of moral damage must be fixed according to the concrete elements of each harmful act, considering subjective and objective aspects.
dano moral , reparação por dano moral , função punitiva , moral damage , reparation for moral damage , punitive function