Justiça criminal negociada: a colaboração premiada à luz do HC 127.483 do STF e da lei n° 13.964/2019
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Cardoso, Gian Luca Fusco Lacerda
Zanella, Everton Luiz
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O presente artigo propõe-se a fazer uma análise crítica do instituto da Colaboração Premiada
tendo como ponto de partida o tratamento dispensado pelo Pacote Anticrime, em que se busca
simplificar o processo criminal, em prol da eficiência e celeridade processual. A Colaboração
Premiada tem sido empregada de maneira errônea no cenário nacional, principalmente no
que tange ao Acordo celabrado entre o colaborador e o Ministério Público, onde há clara
sopreposição de Interesses individuais, sendo necessário um estudo profundo de forma a
aclarar e suplantar este equívoco.
The presente paper proposes to make a critical analysis of the ist itute of the Collaboration Awarded having as starting point the treatment given by the Anticrime Packcage, in which it seeks to simplify the criminal process, in favor of the efficiency and speed of the proceedings. Awarded Collaboration has been misused on the national scene, especially with regard to the Agreement concluded between the employee and the Public Ministry, where there is a clear overlap of individual interests, requiring a thorough study in order to clarify and overcome this misunderstanding.
The presente paper proposes to make a critical analysis of the ist itute of the Collaboration Awarded having as starting point the treatment given by the Anticrime Packcage, in which it seeks to simplify the criminal process, in favor of the efficiency and speed of the proceedings. Awarded Collaboration has been misused on the national scene, especially with regard to the Agreement concluded between the employee and the Public Ministry, where there is a clear overlap of individual interests, requiring a thorough study in order to clarify and overcome this misunderstanding.
pacote anticrime , colaboração premiada , acordo , anticrime package , awarded collaboration , deal