Da pedofilia: uma análise dos tipos penais e da aplicação de pena pelo código penal brasileiro
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Lopes, Michelle Fonseca
Figueiredo, Maria Patrícia Vanzolini
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O presente trabalho busca analisar a problemática que envolve a criminalização e penalização dos atos do agressor sexual infantil, enfocando no distúrbio parafílico “pedofilia” e como este tema é abordado no sistema judicial brasileiro. Analisa, ainda, o significado do termo pedofilia e quais atos uma pessoa acometida com este distúrbio pode praticar, bem como a importância da conscientização e uso correto no termo ao se referir aos agressores sexuais infantis. Para além, se fez necessário entender os tipos penais que podem ser cometidos contra a criança e ao adolescente com menos de 14 anos. Ao fim, discute-se se o agente que sofre do distúrbio da pedofilia pode ser responsabilizado pelos seus atos e, caso assim o seja, qual seria a penalização mais eficaz a ser imposta pelo Estado, a fim de evitar que crimes desta natureza aconteçam.
The present work seeks to analyze the problem that involves the criminalization and penalization of the acts of the child sexual offender, focusing on the paraphilic disorder "pedophilia" and how this theme is approached in the brazilian judicial system. It also analyzes the meaning of the term pedophilia and what acts a person afflicted with this disorder can practice, as well as the importance of awareness and correct use of the term when referring to child sexual offenders. In addition, it was necessary to understand the crimes that can be committed against children and adolescents under 14 years old. Finally, it is discussed whether the agent suffering from pedophilia disorder can be held responsible for his actions and, if so, what would be the most effective penalty to be imposed by the State, in order to prevent crimes of this nature from happening.
The present work seeks to analyze the problem that involves the criminalization and penalization of the acts of the child sexual offender, focusing on the paraphilic disorder "pedophilia" and how this theme is approached in the brazilian judicial system. It also analyzes the meaning of the term pedophilia and what acts a person afflicted with this disorder can practice, as well as the importance of awareness and correct use of the term when referring to child sexual offenders. In addition, it was necessary to understand the crimes that can be committed against children and adolescents under 14 years old. Finally, it is discussed whether the agent suffering from pedophilia disorder can be held responsible for his actions and, if so, what would be the most effective penalty to be imposed by the State, in order to prevent crimes of this nature from happening.
abuso sexual infantil , agressor sexual , pedofilia , ineficácia da pena , child sexual abuse , sexual offender , pedophilia , proper treatment