Imunidades tributárias concedidas aos templos religiosos de qualquer culto
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Melo, Cibele Pereira
Chimenti, Ricardo Cunha
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Em virtude da polêmica acerca das incidências das imunidades tributárias
aos templos religiosos de qualquer culto e sua abrangência, o presente trabalho visa
realizar uma análise referente ao alcance das imunidades dos templos e instituições
religiosas relacionadas ao seu serviço, patrimônio e renda em consonância com as
atividades essenciais. Objetivamos entender a intenção do constituinte originário ao
estabelecer tal concessão, adentrando também, aos aspectos dos direitos
fundamentais relacionados à liberdade religiosa.
Due to the controversy about the incidence of tax immunities on religious temples of any cult and their scope, the present study aims to carry out an analysis regarding the scope of the immunities of temples and religious institutions related to their service, heritage and income in line with the activities essential. We aim to understand the intention of the original constituent when establishing such a concession, also entering into aspects of fundamental rights related to religious freedom.
Due to the controversy about the incidence of tax immunities on religious temples of any cult and their scope, the present study aims to carry out an analysis regarding the scope of the immunities of temples and religious institutions related to their service, heritage and income in line with the activities essential. We aim to understand the intention of the original constituent when establishing such a concession, also entering into aspects of fundamental rights related to religious freedom.
imunidades , templo de qualquer culto , liberdade religiosa , immunity , temple of any cult , religious freedom