Sistema especialista para apoio ao ensino de história do 6° ano por meio de jogos digitais
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Carrato, Guilherme Pio de
Oliveira, Lucas Rossi
Oliveira, Lucas Rossi
Notargiacomo, Pollyana
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Em 2021 o mercado mundial de jogos digitais foi estimado em US$175,8 bilhões segundo a empresa NewZoo. Também se destaca que os estudantes que cursam a Educação Básica integram a Geração Gamers, ou seja, já nasceram numa sociedade marcada pela tecnologia, convergência e ubiquidade, sendo que nesta se destacam os videogames como elementos para diversão, interação e aprendizagem. Assim, o objetivo desta pesquisa e incentivar o uso de jogos no âmbito educacional por meio de um sistema especialista que contribua para que professores de história (do 6º ano da Educação Básica) possam selecionar jogos digitais para utilização nas aulas a partir das habilidades previstas na Base Nacional Comum Curricular (BNCC). Esta proposta suporta ambientes educacionais no uso de entretenimento e de uma linguagem familiar aos estudantes, atribuindo um novo significado para o jogar e o aprender.
In 2021, the digital games world market was estimated at 175.8 USD$ billion by the company NewZoo. It is also noteworthy that Basic Education students are part of the Gamers Generation, that is to say, they were born in a society marked by technology, convergence and ubiquity and it points out video games as elements for fun, interaction and learning. Thus, the aim of this study consists in encouraging the usage of games in the field of education through an expert system that history teachers (6th year of brazilian Basic Education) may take advantages of digital games and work them in classes from the skills provided in the Base Nacional Comum Curricular (BNCC). This proposal supports educational environments in the use of entertainment and a familiar language to students assigning a new meaning for playing and learning.
In 2021, the digital games world market was estimated at 175.8 USD$ billion by the company NewZoo. It is also noteworthy that Basic Education students are part of the Gamers Generation, that is to say, they were born in a society marked by technology, convergence and ubiquity and it points out video games as elements for fun, interaction and learning. Thus, the aim of this study consists in encouraging the usage of games in the field of education through an expert system that history teachers (6th year of brazilian Basic Education) may take advantages of digital games and work them in classes from the skills provided in the Base Nacional Comum Curricular (BNCC). This proposal supports educational environments in the use of entertainment and a familiar language to students assigning a new meaning for playing and learning.
jogos digitais , educação básica , videogames , digital games , basic education , video games