Quotas preferenciais com restrição ao direito de voto nas sociedades limitadas
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Ribeiro, Júlia Castellari
Barbosa Filho, Marcelo Fortes
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Membros da banca
O presente artigo tem como objetivo discorrer acerca da inovação trazida pela
Instrução Normativa nº 81 do Departamento de Registro Empresarial e Integração
(DREI), a qual permite que as sociedades limitadas tenham quotas preferenciais
sem direito de voto ou com restrição ao direito de voto. Por meio da análise da
referida instrução e das Leis que definem as regras a serem aplicadas às
sociedades limitadas, quais sejam o Código Civil de 2002 (Lei nº 10.406 de janeiro
de 2002) e a Lei das Sociedades Anônimas (Lei nº 6.404 de dezembro de 1976),
bem como do contexto social e econômico ao qual se inserem as sociedades
limitadas em território nacional, pretendeu-se elencar os principais pontos
controvertidos e benefícios que esse novo instituto traz em meio ao panorama
econômico atual.
This article aims to discuss the innovation brought by Normative Instruction nº 81 of the Department of Business Registration and Integration (DREI), which allows limited liability companies to have preferential shares without voting rights or with restrictions on the right to vote. Through the analysis of the aforementioned instruction and the Laws that define the rules to be applied to limited liability companies, which are the Civil Code of 2002 (Law nº 10.406 of January 2002) and the law of Corporations (Law nº 6.404 of December of 1976) as well as the social and economic context to which limited liability companies in the national territory are inserted, it was intended to list the main controversial points and benefits that this new institute brings amid current economic panorama.
This article aims to discuss the innovation brought by Normative Instruction nº 81 of the Department of Business Registration and Integration (DREI), which allows limited liability companies to have preferential shares without voting rights or with restrictions on the right to vote. Through the analysis of the aforementioned instruction and the Laws that define the rules to be applied to limited liability companies, which are the Civil Code of 2002 (Law nº 10.406 of January 2002) and the law of Corporations (Law nº 6.404 of December of 1976) as well as the social and economic context to which limited liability companies in the national territory are inserted, it was intended to list the main controversial points and benefits that this new institute brings amid current economic panorama.
instrução normativa nº 81 , DREI , quotas preferenciais sem direito de voto , sociedade limitada , normative instruction nº 81 , preferential shares without voting rights , limited liability company , startups