Contratos e a mitigação de danos sob à luz da cláusula geral da boa-fé objetiva
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Oshio, Isabelle Narumi
Gurgel, Fernanda Pessanha do Amaral
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Este estudo tem como objetivo analisar a recepção e aplicação do instituto da mitigação de danos no direito contratual brasileiro, de acordo com o princípio da boa-fé objetiva. A boa-fé objetiva, desenvolvida sob a técnica de cláusula geral, permite uma maior flexibilidade ao ordenamento jurídico, impondo um novo parâmetro de conduta para os contratantes, baseado na ética, na lealdade e na cooperação tanto na fase pré-contratual, quanto na fase pós-contratual. Assim, analisa-se no presente estudo se a parte inadimplida, pela nova visão contratual, estabelecida com o advento do Código Civil brasileiro de 2002, deve comportar-se de modo cooperativo, evitando com esforços razoáveis o agravamento do seu dano.
This study has as objective to analyze the receipt and application of the duty to mitigate the loss in light of the Brazilian contract law, according to the principle of objective good faith. Objective good faith, developed under the general clause technique, allows greater flexibility to the system, imposing a new parameter of conduct for contractors, based on ethics, loyalty and cooperation both in the pre-contractual phase, as in the phase post-contractual. Thus, it is analyzed in the present study whether the defaulted party, due to the new contractual view, established with the advent of the Brazilian Civil Code of 2002 must behave cooperatively, avoiding with reasonable efforts the aggravation of its damage.
This study has as objective to analyze the receipt and application of the duty to mitigate the loss in light of the Brazilian contract law, according to the principle of objective good faith. Objective good faith, developed under the general clause technique, allows greater flexibility to the system, imposing a new parameter of conduct for contractors, based on ethics, loyalty and cooperation both in the pre-contractual phase, as in the phase post-contractual. Thus, it is analyzed in the present study whether the defaulted party, due to the new contractual view, established with the advent of the Brazilian Civil Code of 2002 must behave cooperatively, avoiding with reasonable efforts the aggravation of its damage.
Trabalho indicado ao Prêmio TCC
contratos , boa-fé objetiva , cooperação , dever de mitigação de danos , contracts , objective good faith , cooperation , duty to mitigate the loss