A transação tributária prevista lei nº 13.988/2020 e sua constitucionalidade frente a supremacia do interesse público
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Antonio, Kamila Alves Mourão
Leão, Martha Toribio
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Membros da banca
Este trabalho visa verificar a constitucionalidade da aplicação do instituto da transação
tributária estabelecido pela Medida Provisória n° 899/2019, convertida posteriormente na Lei
n° 13.988/2020, sendo sua aplicação confrontada com os princípios da supremacia do interesse
público, da isonomia; da capacidade contributiva; da transparência e publicidade; da
moralidade; e da razoável duração do processo e da eficiência.
Por muito tempo se pensou que a indisponibilidade do crédito tributário seria um impeditivo
para a realização de uma transação tributária, já que isso violaria a supremacia do interesse
público, além de dar uma discricionaridade indevida para a Administração Pública. Porém, com
o passar do Estado de Direito Liberal para o Estado de Direito Social, diversos paradigmas
referentes ao Direito Público foram revisados, havendo um aumento na utilização de
ferramentas do Direito Privado dentro da Administração Pública, como o uso de contratos. Com
isso e em um contexto de maior abertura das relações entre as autoridades fiscais e os
contribuintes, o instituto da transação tributária foi implementado, sendo impulsionado pela
crise econômica decorrente dos efeitos do coronavírus.
Para investigar as razões que legitimam a utilização deste instituto, foram realizadas pesquisas
doutrinárias e legislativas, bem como foi feita a análise dos acordos de transações já realizados
durante o ano de 2020.
This research aims to verify the constitutionality of the use of tax transaction as established by Temporary Measure no. 899/2019, turned into Law no. 13.988/2020. Its application is faced with the principles of supremacy of public interest; isonomy; contributive capacity; transparency and publicity; morality; and reasonable duration of process and efficiency. For a long time, it was thought that the unavailability of tax credits would be an obstacle to the accomplishment of tax transactions since it would violate the supremacy of public interest and give an undue discretion to the Public Administration. However, with the passage from the Liberal State to the Social State several paradigms concerning the public law have been revisited and there has been a rise on the use of tools common to the private law by the Public Administration, like contracts. With the use of those tools and a context of an opening of relations between the tax authorities and taxpayers the use of tax transactions has been implement and stimulated by the economic crisis due the effects of the coronavirus. To investigate the reasons that legitimate the use of this institute, we have researched the books and legislations available on this theme and analyzed the tax transaction agreements made during 2020.
This research aims to verify the constitutionality of the use of tax transaction as established by Temporary Measure no. 899/2019, turned into Law no. 13.988/2020. Its application is faced with the principles of supremacy of public interest; isonomy; contributive capacity; transparency and publicity; morality; and reasonable duration of process and efficiency. For a long time, it was thought that the unavailability of tax credits would be an obstacle to the accomplishment of tax transactions since it would violate the supremacy of public interest and give an undue discretion to the Public Administration. However, with the passage from the Liberal State to the Social State several paradigms concerning the public law have been revisited and there has been a rise on the use of tools common to the private law by the Public Administration, like contracts. With the use of those tools and a context of an opening of relations between the tax authorities and taxpayers the use of tax transactions has been implement and stimulated by the economic crisis due the effects of the coronavirus. To investigate the reasons that legitimate the use of this institute, we have researched the books and legislations available on this theme and analyzed the tax transaction agreements made during 2020.
transação tributária , lei nº 13.988/2020 , supremacia do interesse público , constitucionalidade , tax agreement , law no. 13.988/2020 , supremacy of public interest , constitutionality