Uso do material genético do de cujus para fins de procriação post mortem – análise dos julgados 1082747-88.2017.8.26.0100 e 1000705-26.2019.8.26.0483 do Tribunal de Justiça do Estado de São Paulo
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Furtado, Cecília Moreira da Silva
Melo, Diogo Leonardo Machado de
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Aborda a possibilidade de utilização de material genético, gametas ou embriões para fins de reprodução assistida após o falecimento do doador do material. A metodologia utilizada foi o estudo dos casos das Ações nº 1082747-88.2017.8.26.0100 e 1000705-26.2019.8.26.0483, ambas julgadas pelo Tribunal de Justiça do Estado de São Paulo, pesquisa bibliográfica, estudo das disposições do Código Civil, das Resoluções do Conselho Federal de Medicina e Provimentos do Conselho Nacional de Justiça. O presente artigo observou que há a necessidade de autorização expressa para utilização dos materiais doados, entretanto, a forma desta pode ser relativizada, sob pena de violar o direito ao planejamento familiar.
The article approaches the possibilities involving the use of genetic material, gametes or even embryos, by the means of assisted reproduction after the donor material passed away. The methodology used was the case study of a judicial actions nº 1082747-88.2017.8.26.0100 and 1000705-26.2019.8.26.0483, both judged by the Court of Justice of the State of São Paulo, bibliographic research, study of the Civil Code dispositions, the Resolutions of the Federal Medical Council and Regulations from Nacional Council of Justice. This article concluded that it is needed an express authorization to utilize the donated material, however, the formality of the document may be relative, the lack of respect of this guideline may cause violations of the legal right to planned parenthood.
The article approaches the possibilities involving the use of genetic material, gametes or even embryos, by the means of assisted reproduction after the donor material passed away. The methodology used was the case study of a judicial actions nº 1082747-88.2017.8.26.0100 and 1000705-26.2019.8.26.0483, both judged by the Court of Justice of the State of São Paulo, bibliographic research, study of the Civil Code dispositions, the Resolutions of the Federal Medical Council and Regulations from Nacional Council of Justice. This article concluded that it is needed an express authorization to utilize the donated material, however, the formality of the document may be relative, the lack of respect of this guideline may cause violations of the legal right to planned parenthood.
estudo de caso , reprodução assistida , falecimento , doador , autorização , case study , assisted reproduction , decease , donor , authorization