Os transtornos mentais e a medida de segurança
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Silva, Letícia Gomes da
Pierson, Lia Cristina Campos
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Este trabalho teve como objetivo traçar um panorama geral acerca do instituto de direito penal denominado “medida de segurança”, de modo a compilar, ainda que de modo breve, os principais conceitos a ele inerentes. A pertinência do tema advém da carência de material recente na literatura, bem como da patente necessidade de que seja levado a discussão, especialmente em âmbito acadêmico, assim permitindo a modernização do tratamento dispensado aos pacientes. Para isso, foi realizado um levantamento dos conceitos diretamente relacionados ao instituto, bem como da disciplina processual que o regulamenta, além de abordar o entendimento mais recente dos Tribunais Superiores, no Brasil.
This work aimed to outline a general panorama about the institute of criminal law called “security measure”, in order to compile, albeit briefly, the main concepts inherent to it. The relevance of the theme comes from the lack of recent material in the literature, as well as the patent need for discussion, especially in the academic field, thus allowing the modernization of the treatment given to patients. To this end, a survey was carried out of the concepts directly related to the institute, as well as the procedural discipline that regulates it, in addition to addressing the most recent understanding of the Superior Courts in Brazil.
This work aimed to outline a general panorama about the institute of criminal law called “security measure”, in order to compile, albeit briefly, the main concepts inherent to it. The relevance of the theme comes from the lack of recent material in the literature, as well as the patent need for discussion, especially in the academic field, thus allowing the modernization of the treatment given to patients. To this end, a survey was carried out of the concepts directly related to the institute, as well as the procedural discipline that regulates it, in addition to addressing the most recent understanding of the Superior Courts in Brazil.
psicopatologia , inimputabilidade , medida de segurança , princípios , psychopathology , inimputability , security measure , principles