A aplicabilidade e a eficácia dos instrumentos de proteção ao design de moda no Brasil
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Castro, Gabriela Monteiro de
Jorgeti, Lourdes Regina
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A recente ascensão da transformação tecnológica que a sociedade – e o mundo – enfrenta no século XXI, contribuiu para que os direitos intelectuais relativos às criações de moda estivessem cada vez mais vulneráveis diante das violações ao trabalho criativo alheio. Assim, partindo de uma compreensão abrangente da indústria da moda e de uma apuração dos limites de tolerância para a configuração do ilícito civil, mostra-se necessário a avaliação dos instrumentos de proteção presentes na legislação brasileira, bem como em entendimentos jurisprudenciais, a fim de apontar os elementos determinantes para a caracterização de concorrência desleal e, assim, a efetiva responsabilização e reparação dos danos na esfera civil.
The recent rise of digital transformation which society – and the whole world – is facing on the XXI century, has contributed to the vulnerability of the intellectual rights related to fashion designs, specially against the violation of other people’s creative work. So, starting with a comprehensive understanding of the fashion industry and with a determination of the tolerance limits to the configuration of the civil offense, it seems necessary to evaluation of protection instruments present in the Brazilian law, such as jurisprudential understandings, in order to point out the determining elements for the characterization of unfair competition and, thus, the effective liability and reparation of damages in the civil sphere.
The recent rise of digital transformation which society – and the whole world – is facing on the XXI century, has contributed to the vulnerability of the intellectual rights related to fashion designs, specially against the violation of other people’s creative work. So, starting with a comprehensive understanding of the fashion industry and with a determination of the tolerance limits to the configuration of the civil offense, it seems necessary to evaluation of protection instruments present in the Brazilian law, such as jurisprudential understandings, in order to point out the determining elements for the characterization of unfair competition and, thus, the effective liability and reparation of damages in the civil sphere.
propriedade intelectual , criação de moda , trade dress , concorrência desleal , responsabilidade civil , intellectual property , fashion design , trade dress , unfair competition , civil liability