Gravidez por substituição: uma análise em seus aspectos sociais no âmbito internacional
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Silva, Gabriel Tobita
Maltez, Maria de Fátima do Monte
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O presente artigo buscar analisar de forma sucinta os métodos alternativos de
concepção sob a perspectiva da gravidez por substituição, havendo uma estruturação
histórica e social de seu desenvolvimento e atuação no Brasil, assim como o estado
atual no âmbito internacional. Verifica-se as hipóteses de cabimento e as situações
impeditivas à aplicação do método, que por sua vez é aceito em poucos países, além
da precariedade legislativa acerca do assunto, o que complica na desordem acerca das
resoluções de conflitos envolvendo mais de um território e suas próprias normativas
internas, quando existentes. A substituição gestacional causa contratempos em seus
valores éticos que serão ser analisados como possíveis fatores contributivos à ausência
da regulamentação ou legalidade, assim como a situação em que o menor se encontra
mediante os acontecimentos prevalecidos como referência em repercussão geral que
levaram os Estados à decidirem em desconformidade com as relações exteriores,
ocasionando na impossibilidade da prática por estrangeiros dentro de esfera
This essay seeks to succinctly analyze alternative methods of conception from the perspective of surrogacy, with a historical and social structure of its development and performance in Brazil, as well as the current state at the international level. As by verifying the hypotheses of fit and situations that hinder the application of the method, which in turn is accepted in a few countries, in addition to the precarious legislation on the subject, which complicates the disorder about the resolution of conflicts involving more than one territory and their own internal regulations, when they exist. Surrogacy tends to cause setbacks in ethical values that will be analyzed as possible contributing factors in the absence of regulation or legality, as well as the situation in which the child is found through the events prevailing as a reference in general repercussion that led States to decide on disagreement with foreign relations, resulting in the impossibility of practice by foreigners within the federative sphere.
This essay seeks to succinctly analyze alternative methods of conception from the perspective of surrogacy, with a historical and social structure of its development and performance in Brazil, as well as the current state at the international level. As by verifying the hypotheses of fit and situations that hinder the application of the method, which in turn is accepted in a few countries, in addition to the precarious legislation on the subject, which complicates the disorder about the resolution of conflicts involving more than one territory and their own internal regulations, when they exist. Surrogacy tends to cause setbacks in ethical values that will be analyzed as possible contributing factors in the absence of regulation or legality, as well as the situation in which the child is found through the events prevailing as a reference in general repercussion that led States to decide on disagreement with foreign relations, resulting in the impossibility of practice by foreigners within the federative sphere.
gestação por substituição , legislação internacional , conflito social , biodireito , surrogacy , international law , social conflict , biolaw