Crimes contra a ordem tributária: criminalização do ICMS próprio declarado e não pago
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Castanharo, Gabriel Tadeu Pretini
Gioia, Fulvia Helena de
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O presente trabalho tem como objetivo analisar a tese firmada pelo Supremo Tribunal Federal por meio do RHC nº 163.344, a qual criminalizou o não recolhimento de ICMS próprio declarado e não recolhido aos cofres públicos. Assim, será estudado a fundo toda a operação do imposto incidente sobre a circulação de mercadorias e serviços, desde a sua regra matriz até as circunstâncias que levaram a inadimplência fiscal ir a julgamento na esfera penal. Tendo tais conceitos e premissas destacadas, ocorrerá a análise crítica do acórdão proferido pela Suprema Corte.
The present work aims to analyze the thesis signed by the Supreme Court through judicial process n. 163.344, which criminalized the failure to pay the ICMS itself declared and not paid to the public coffers. Thus, the entire operation of the tax levied on the circulation of goods and services will be thoroughly studied, from its matrix rule to the circumstances that led to tax defaults being brought to trial in the criminal sphere. With these concepts and premises highlighted, there will be a critical analysis of the judgment issued by the Supreme Court.
The present work aims to analyze the thesis signed by the Supreme Court through judicial process n. 163.344, which criminalized the failure to pay the ICMS itself declared and not paid to the public coffers. Thus, the entire operation of the tax levied on the circulation of goods and services will be thoroughly studied, from its matrix rule to the circumstances that led to tax defaults being brought to trial in the criminal sphere. With these concepts and premises highlighted, there will be a critical analysis of the judgment issued by the Supreme Court.
direito tributário , ICMS , direito penal tributário , crimes contra a ordem tributária , tax law , tax criminal law , tax crimes