A teoria do desvio produtivo do consumidor na perspectiva do STJ: um estudo de caso de seu leading case
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Silva, Camila Gonçalves da
Giancoli, Brunno Pandori
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O presente artigo tem por finalidade realizar uma abordagem acerca da Teoria do Desvio Produtivo do Consumidor sob a perspectiva do STJ, através da análise de um leading case. Salientando-se que referida teoria nasceu com o intuíto de valorizar o tempo dos consumidores, como recurso produtivo escasso e bem jurídico passível de proteção, devendo ser indenizado quando disperdiçado de forma injusta e intolerável pelos fornecedores. Ainda, buscou-se compreender, o que é leading case, como este instituto está inserido no ordenamento jurídico brasileiro e por quê o leading case, objeto deste artigo, consitui importante consquista na seara consumerista.
The purpose of this article is to take an approach the Consumer Productive Deviation Theory from the perspective of the STJ, through the analysis of a leading case. It should be noted that this theory was born with the intent of valuing the time of consumers, as a scarce and legally protected productive resource, which must be compensated when wasted in an unfair and intolerable manner by suppliers. Still, we tried to understand, what is leading case, how this institute is inserted in the Brazilian legal system and why the leading case object of this article is an important achievement in the consumerist field.
The purpose of this article is to take an approach the Consumer Productive Deviation Theory from the perspective of the STJ, through the analysis of a leading case. It should be noted that this theory was born with the intent of valuing the time of consumers, as a scarce and legally protected productive resource, which must be compensated when wasted in an unfair and intolerable manner by suppliers. Still, we tried to understand, what is leading case, how this institute is inserted in the Brazilian legal system and why the leading case object of this article is an important achievement in the consumerist field.
precedente judicial , teoria do desvio produtivo do consumidor , tempo dos consumidores , recurso produtivo escasso , judicial precedent , consumer productive deviation theory , consumer time , scarce productive resource