Uma breve análise sobre a falta de efetividade da tutela satisfativa no processo civil contemporâneo
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Kocinas, Fabio Vinocur
Acca, Thiago dos Santos
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Membros da banca
Embora o acesso à justiça em tempo razoável seja Garantia Fundamental prevista na
Constituição da República Federativa do Brasil, não é incomum ouvir críticas quanto à
morosidade do processamento de ações no Poder Judiciário, muitas vezes, para aqueles que
não operam o Direito, por conta de um sistema recursal amplo que permite o manejo de
medidas protelatórias na busca pelo “bem da vida” violado ou perdido. Neste estudo, busca-se
demonstrar, preliminarmente, que a morosidade do Poder Judiciário não tem vinculação com
o sistema recursal, mas, sobretudo, com a fase executiva do processo. É nesta fase que o
comando jurisdicional definitivo da fase de conhecimento ou daquele direito passível de
execução direta são de fato exercidos pelo credor – ou que pelo menos assim deveriam ser –
em tempo razoável, unindo a tutela satisfativa à efetividade, mediante mecanismos típicos e
atípicos de execução.
Although access to justice in a reasonable time is a Fundamental Guarantee provided for in the Constitution of the Federative Republic of Brazil, it is not uncommon to hear criticisms regarding the slowness of processing lawsuits in the Judiciary, often for those who do not operate the Law, on account of a broad appeal system that allows the management of delaying measures in the search for the “good of life” violated or lost. In this study, we seek to demonstrate, preliminarily, that the slowness of the Judiciary is not linked to the appeals system, but, above all, to the executive phase of the process. It is at this stage that the definitive jurisdictional command of the knowledge phase or that right that can be directly enforced is in fact exercised by the creditor - or that at least it should be so - within a reasonable time, combining satisfactory tutelage with effectiveness, through typical and atypical mechanisms. of execution.
Although access to justice in a reasonable time is a Fundamental Guarantee provided for in the Constitution of the Federative Republic of Brazil, it is not uncommon to hear criticisms regarding the slowness of processing lawsuits in the Judiciary, often for those who do not operate the Law, on account of a broad appeal system that allows the management of delaying measures in the search for the “good of life” violated or lost. In this study, we seek to demonstrate, preliminarily, that the slowness of the Judiciary is not linked to the appeals system, but, above all, to the executive phase of the process. It is at this stage that the definitive jurisdictional command of the knowledge phase or that right that can be directly enforced is in fact exercised by the creditor - or that at least it should be so - within a reasonable time, combining satisfactory tutelage with effectiveness, through typical and atypical mechanisms. of execution.
execução civil , tutela satisfativa , efetividade , medidas executivas , civil enforcement , satisfactory guardianship , effectiveness , executive measures