Responsabilidade civil pela desistência da adoção
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Ayuso, Amanda de Souza
Trubilhano, Fabio Souza
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O presente trabalho analisa a possibilidade de responsabilização civil do postulante à adoção que desiste da medida, sem justificativas plausíveis, durante os diferentes estágios do processo de adoção, causando danos imensuráveis à criança ou adolescente.
Para tanto, o estudo aborda temas como o processo de adoção e os estágios de convivência entre os postulantes e a criança ou adolescente, o conceito de família conforme o ordenamento jurídico, bem como os princípios de melhor interesse da criança e adolescente e a proteção integral, garantidos pelo Estatuto da Criança e do Adolescente (ECA).
Ademais, aborda-se o instituto da responsabilidade civil em casos de desistência da adoção, em especial após o trânsito em julgado da sentença de adoção, em que a criança ou adolescente já está inserido no contexto familiar e já possui vínculos afetivos, razão pela qual a ruptura desse poder familiar pode gerar indenização para reparar os danos emocionais e psicológicos causado na criança ou adolescente.
The present paper analyses the possibility of civil liability over postulant in case of disruption with no reasonable reason, during different stages of the adoption process, causing in that way immeasurable damage to the infant or teen. For this purpose, the study approaches topics such as the adoption processes, the stages of interaction between the postulant and the child or teenager, the definition of family according to the law, as well as the principles of children and teenager best interest and protection ensured by the Children and Teenager Statute (CTS). Furthermore, it addresses the institute of civil responsibility in case of adoption disruption, mainly after legal finalization, which the child or teenager is already fully integrated to the family setting and has emotional bond, reason why the rupture of the family may require a compensation to repair the emotional and psychological damages caused to the infant or teenager.
The present paper analyses the possibility of civil liability over postulant in case of disruption with no reasonable reason, during different stages of the adoption process, causing in that way immeasurable damage to the infant or teen. For this purpose, the study approaches topics such as the adoption processes, the stages of interaction between the postulant and the child or teenager, the definition of family according to the law, as well as the principles of children and teenager best interest and protection ensured by the Children and Teenager Statute (CTS). Furthermore, it addresses the institute of civil responsibility in case of adoption disruption, mainly after legal finalization, which the child or teenager is already fully integrated to the family setting and has emotional bond, reason why the rupture of the family may require a compensation to repair the emotional and psychological damages caused to the infant or teenager.
adoção , estágios de convivência , desistência , indenização , adoption , stages of interaction , disruption , compensation