A escolha da lei aplicável aos “smart contracts” à luz da jurisprudência e legislação brasileira
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Rocha, Ana Carolina Gontijo Prado
Luís, Daniel Tavela
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Novas tecnologias impactam diretamente nas relações sociais e, consequentemente, nas relações jurídicas. Isso se verifica com o surgimento os chamados “Smart Contracts” (contratos inteligentes), os quais, por serem configurados em blockchain, permitem a celebração e execução dos contratos de forma independente e descentralizada. Diante disso, este artigo visa analisar a jurisprudência dos tribunais brasileiros relevantes, a fim de explorar como as demandas envolvendo os contratos inteligentes vem sendo julgadas, no Brasil. Em seguida, este artigo propõe, com base na legislação vigente, métodos para a escolha da lei aplicável aos smart contracts, no caso em que esta não for previamente pactuada e exista um elemento de estraneidade na relação jurídica em questão.
New technologies have a direct impact on social relationships, as well as on legal relationships. This is the case of the so-called “Smart Contracts”, which, once configured in blockchain; these contracts can be executed in an independent and decentralized manner. Therefore, this article aims to analyze the jurisprudence of the relevant Brazilian courts, in order to explore how the demands involving smart contracts have been judged in Brazil. Then, this article proposes, based on current legislation, methods for choosing the law applicable to smart contracts, in case of it is not previously agreed by the parties and there is an international element upon the legal relationship in question.
New technologies have a direct impact on social relationships, as well as on legal relationships. This is the case of the so-called “Smart Contracts”, which, once configured in blockchain; these contracts can be executed in an independent and decentralized manner. Therefore, this article aims to analyze the jurisprudence of the relevant Brazilian courts, in order to explore how the demands involving smart contracts have been judged in Brazil. Then, this article proposes, based on current legislation, methods for choosing the law applicable to smart contracts, in case of it is not previously agreed by the parties and there is an international element upon the legal relationship in question.
Trabalho indicado pela banca examinadora ao Prêmio TCC.
contratos inteligentes , blockchain , direito internacional privado , direito digital , smart contracts , private international law , digital law