A dignidade da pessoa humana e sua relação com o mínimo existencial
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Lima, Alan de Almeida
Resende Junior, José de
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O presente artigo tem como seu objetivo analisar o princípio da dignidade da pessoa humana e a ideia existente de um mínimo existencial, com o fim de se identificar se há correlação entre eles, o que possibilitaria ou não, o uso em conjunto desses elementos para fundamentar decisões pelo Poder Judiciário em nosso país. Para tal objetivo, se faz um relato e estudo do desenvolvimento do princípio da dignidade da pessoa humana, mostrando sua presença e evolução entre pensadores de diversas épocas, notadamente aqueles com ideias e trabalhos considerados essenciais para o desenvolvimento e crescimento da atenção que passou a ser dada ao assunto, bem como também se expõe a questão do mínimo existencial e, ainda, algumas escolhas de decisões judiciais para exemplificar situações onde dignidade da pessoa humana e mínimo existencial foram utilizados como meio para fundamentação.
This article aims to analyze the principle of the dignity of the human person and the existing idea of an existential minimum, in order to identify whether there is a correlation between them, which would allow or not the joint use of these elements to substantiate decisions by the Judiciary in our country. For this purpose, a report and study of the development of the principle of the dignity of the human person is made, showing its presence and evolution among thinkers from different periods, notably those with ideas and works considered essential for the development and growth of the attention that has become given to the subject, as well as the question of the existential minimum is exposed and, still, some choices of judicial decisions to exemplify situations where dignity of the human person and existential minimum were used as a means for justification.
This article aims to analyze the principle of the dignity of the human person and the existing idea of an existential minimum, in order to identify whether there is a correlation between them, which would allow or not the joint use of these elements to substantiate decisions by the Judiciary in our country. For this purpose, a report and study of the development of the principle of the dignity of the human person is made, showing its presence and evolution among thinkers from different periods, notably those with ideas and works considered essential for the development and growth of the attention that has become given to the subject, as well as the question of the existential minimum is exposed and, still, some choices of judicial decisions to exemplify situations where dignity of the human person and existential minimum were used as a means for justification.
dignidade , pessoa humana , mínimo existencial , dignity , human person , existential minimum