Análise do reparo do dano na lei de crimes ambientais em relação ao animal
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Santos, Lucas Matheus da Silva
Aranha Filho, Adalberto José Queiroz Telles de Camargo
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O presente estudo tem o objetivo de analisar a legislação brasileira em face
da proteção aos animais domésticos, bem como apontar eventuais lacunas ou
incoerências no ordenamento jurídico pátrio a respeito do tema. Sabe-se que esse
tipo de discussão é recorrente em nosso sistema judicial, tendo casos de grande
notoriedade como no julgamento das vaquejadas e dos rodeios pelo STF.
Por meio desse estudo busca-se fazer uma análise de como foram redigidos
os dispositivos da Lei 9605/98 no tocante aos animais. Sabe-se que essa Lei tem
por finalidade a proteção e reparo do meio ambiente, então aqui será observado
como essa proteção é feita para garantir ao animal seu direito constitucional de
vedação à crueldade.
Além disso, veremos com é a aplicação dos juízes e tribunais das Leis de
Proteção Animal, e se os dispositivos de proteção ao animal atendem a finalidade a
que se propõem.
The present study aims to analyze the Brazilian legislation in the face of the protection of domestic animals, as well as to point out possible gaps or inconsistencies in the national legal system regarding the theme. It is known that this type of discussion is recurrent in our judicial system, with cases of great notoriety as in the trial of vaquejadas and rodeos by the STF. This study seeks to analyze how the provisions of Law 9605/98 were drafted with regard to animals. It is known that this Law aims to protect and repair the environment, so here it will be observed how this protection is done to guarantee the animal its constitutional right to prohibit cruelty. In addition, we will see how the Animal Protection Laws are applied by judges and courts, and whether animal protection devices serve the purpose for which they are proposed.
The present study aims to analyze the Brazilian legislation in the face of the protection of domestic animals, as well as to point out possible gaps or inconsistencies in the national legal system regarding the theme. It is known that this type of discussion is recurrent in our judicial system, with cases of great notoriety as in the trial of vaquejadas and rodeos by the STF. This study seeks to analyze how the provisions of Law 9605/98 were drafted with regard to animals. It is known that this Law aims to protect and repair the environment, so here it will be observed how this protection is done to guarantee the animal its constitutional right to prohibit cruelty. In addition, we will see how the Animal Protection Laws are applied by judges and courts, and whether animal protection devices serve the purpose for which they are proposed.
crimes ambientais , animais , direito penal , criminal law , animals , environmental crimes