A tutela do Estado na Lei Maria da Penha: proteção ou armadilha?
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Jordão, Maria Cecilia Esteves Alves
Andrade, Bruna Soares Angotti Batista de
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Este artigo tem por objetivo analisar a alteração da natureza jurídica da Lei 11.360/2006 (Lei
Maria da Penha) relativa a crimes de lesão corporal leve, de ação penal pública condicionada à
representação da vítima para ação penal pública incondicionada, decidida pelos Ministros do
STF (Supremo Tribunal Federal) ao julgarem a Ação Direta de Inconstitucionalidade nº 4.424-
DF e a Ação Direta de Constitucionalidade n° 19-DF. Tal decisão não levou em conta o
processo de criação da Lei que, em seu Anteprojeto, contou com participação ativa de um
consórcio de ONGs Feministas que tinham o desafio de criar uma lei integral que pudesse
erradicar de forma ampla a violência doméstica e familiar. Em sua conclusão, o artigo
questiona a decisão que privilegia a proteção da mulher e desconsidera outros aspectos que
visavam garantia de direitos e autonomia, influenciando negativamente na efetividade da Lei.
This article aims to analyze the change in the legal nature of Law 11.360 / 2006 (Maria da Penha Law) referring to crimes of minor personal injury. The public criminal action conditioned by the victim’s representation was changed to unconditional criminal action by the Ministries of the Supreme Federal Court in Brazil in judging the Direct Unconstitutionality Action nº 4.424 - DF and the Direct Constitutionality Action nº 19 - DF. This decision did not take into account the process of Drafting Act, which in its Preliminary Draft had the active participation of a consortium of Feminist NGOs, which had the challenge of creating a comprehensive Law that could broadly eradicate domestic and family violence. In its conclusion, the article questions the decision that privileges the protection of women and disregards other aspects aimed at guaranteeing rights and autonomy, influencing the effectiveness of the Law.
This article aims to analyze the change in the legal nature of Law 11.360 / 2006 (Maria da Penha Law) referring to crimes of minor personal injury. The public criminal action conditioned by the victim’s representation was changed to unconditional criminal action by the Ministries of the Supreme Federal Court in Brazil in judging the Direct Unconstitutionality Action nº 4.424 - DF and the Direct Constitutionality Action nº 19 - DF. This decision did not take into account the process of Drafting Act, which in its Preliminary Draft had the active participation of a consortium of Feminist NGOs, which had the challenge of creating a comprehensive Law that could broadly eradicate domestic and family violence. In its conclusion, the article questions the decision that privileges the protection of women and disregards other aspects aimed at guaranteeing rights and autonomy, influencing the effectiveness of the Law.
Maria da Penha law , unconditional criminal action , representation , gender-based violence , violence against woman , feminism , lei Maria de Penha , ação penal incondicionada , representação , violência de gênero , mulher em situação de violência , feminismo