Os limites do contrato de adesão nas relações consumeristas: uma análise das cláusulas consideradas abusivas
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Castro, Ananda Sousa de
Trubilhano, Fabio Souza
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Este artigo objetivou analisar os requisitos de validade do contrato de adesão no
âmbito das relações consumeristas, em especial, os limites legais a que devem se submeter as
cláusulas contratuais do referido instrumento, sob pena de nulidade. Para tanto, apresentou-se
os elementos essenciais que compõem tal negócio jurídico, bem como os parâmetros para a sua
correta identificação e confecção, além disso, conceituou-se as relações de consumo e as partes
que dela participam. Em seguida, através de pesquisa bibliográfica e utilizando-se dos preceitos
trazidos pelo Código de Defesa do Consumidor brasileiro, foram classificadas as cláusulas
contratuais consideradas abusivas. Ainda, foi discorrido sobre dois mecanismos de proteção ao
consumidor, quais sejam, a possibilidade de inversão do ônus da prova e o reconhecimento de
ofício de cláusula contratual abusiva. Após, foram citados exemplos contemporâneos de
cláusulas abusivas. Por fim, foi apresentada a conclusão.
This article aimed to analyze the validity requirements of the adhesion contract in the scope of consumer relations, in particular, the legal limits to which the contractual clauses of that instrument must be subject, under penalty of nullity. For this, the essential elements that make up such a legal business were presented, as well as the parameters for its correct identification and preparation, in addition, the consumer relations and the parties that participate in it were conceptualized. Then, through bibliographic research and using the precepts brought by the Brazilian Consumer Protection Code, the contractual clauses considered abusive were classified. In addition, two consumer protection mechanisms were discussed, namely, the possibility of reversing the burden of proof and the acknowledgment of an unfair contract clause. Afterwards, contemporary examples of unfair terms were cited. Finally, the conclusion was presented.
This article aimed to analyze the validity requirements of the adhesion contract in the scope of consumer relations, in particular, the legal limits to which the contractual clauses of that instrument must be subject, under penalty of nullity. For this, the essential elements that make up such a legal business were presented, as well as the parameters for its correct identification and preparation, in addition, the consumer relations and the parties that participate in it were conceptualized. Then, through bibliographic research and using the precepts brought by the Brazilian Consumer Protection Code, the contractual clauses considered abusive were classified. In addition, two consumer protection mechanisms were discussed, namely, the possibility of reversing the burden of proof and the acknowledgment of an unfair contract clause. Afterwards, contemporary examples of unfair terms were cited. Finally, the conclusion was presented.
cláusulas abusivas , contratos de adesão , relações de consumo , direito do consumidor , unfair terms , adhesion contracts , consumer relations , consumer law