A judicialização da oferta pública de aquisição de ações
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Soares, Thatiane Lages
Lima, Cinira Gomes
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Membros da banca
A premissa principal do presente trabalho é de apresentar algumas decisões do Poder Judiciário
referente aos procedimentos envolvendo as Ofertas Públicas de Aquisição de Ações – OPA
com a finalidade de expor os fundamentos das decisões e principalmente de demonstrar que,
apesar de tratar-se de um procedimento que envolve o mercado de capitais e que possui a CVM
como órgão regulador para regulamentar e fiscalizar as relações, os conflitos podem “bater na
porta” do Poder Judiciário para serem resolvidos. Nesse sentido, pretende-se de forma
introdutória ao trabalho e sumária, apresentar a OPA trazendo seus conceitos e modalidades. E
como forma de introdução ao tema principal será tratado o tema do controle acionário, bem
como o instituto da judicialização. Quanto à metodologia da pesquisa, optou-se por uma
pesquisa explicativa com objetivo de demonstrar fatores para ocorrência da judicialização dos
procedimentos de mercado, em especial à OPA, por meio de análise de livros e da legislação
The main premise of the present paper is to present some decisions of the Judiciary concerning the procedures involving the Public Offerings of Acquisition of Shares with the purpose of exposing the grounds of the decisions and mainly to demonstrate that, although it is a procedure which involves the capital market and which has the CVM as a regulatory body to regulate and oversee relationships, conflicts can “knock on the door” of the Judiciary to be resolved. In this sense, it is intended introductory and summary work to present the OPA bringing their concepts and modalities. And as an introduction to the main theme will be treated the subject of stock control, as well as the institute of judicialization. As for the research methodology, we opted for an explanatory research aiming to demonstrate factors for the occurrence of the judicialization of market procedures, especially the takeover bid, through analysis of books and Brazilian law.
The main premise of the present paper is to present some decisions of the Judiciary concerning the procedures involving the Public Offerings of Acquisition of Shares with the purpose of exposing the grounds of the decisions and mainly to demonstrate that, although it is a procedure which involves the capital market and which has the CVM as a regulatory body to regulate and oversee relationships, conflicts can “knock on the door” of the Judiciary to be resolved. In this sense, it is intended introductory and summary work to present the OPA bringing their concepts and modalities. And as an introduction to the main theme will be treated the subject of stock control, as well as the institute of judicialization. As for the research methodology, we opted for an explanatory research aiming to demonstrate factors for the occurrence of the judicialization of market procedures, especially the takeover bid, through analysis of books and Brazilian law.
judicialização , oferta pública de aquisição de ações , mercado de capitais , judicialization , public offerings of acquisition of shares , capital market