Escola-prisão: o papel das instituições públicas de controle na vida das pessoas negras
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Juvenal, Rebeca Antonio de Santana
Andrade, Bruna Soares Angotti Batista de
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Este artigo pretende compreender como as instituições públicas de controle atuam na vida de pessoas negras2, buscando a permanência desse grupo dentro do sistema público, impossibilitando que as mesmas consigam transcender esses lugares de abuso para um lugar o qual foi negado ao povo negro, desde a escravidão, quando este grupo foi tido como mercadoria3 e no período pós abolição com políticas públicas que visam a exclusão sistemática de minorias. O trabalho analisou a maneira como a qual as instituições públicas de controle se relacionam com a população negra segundo as teorias do racismo estrutural na forma institucional, a seletvidade penal, por meio da criminologia crítica apresentada por Alessandro Baratta, os conceitos de negritude, escola, prisão e a violência perpetuada nesses ambientes. A metodologia utilizada para a escrita do artigo foi o levantamento bibliográfico relevante sobre o tema, legislação e levantamentos elaborados para demonstrar o perfil das pessoas que frequentam essas instituições, buscando uma relação de continuidade ou coexistência das instituições quando se trata da população negra.
This article intends to understand how the public control institutions act in the lives of black people, seeking the permanence of these people within the public system, making it impossible for them to transcend these places of abuse to a place that the black people have been denied since slavery, when this group was considered a commodity and in the post-abolition period with public policies aimed at the systematic exclusion of minorities. The work analyzed the way in which public control institutions relate to the black population according to the theories of structural racism in institutional form, criminal selectivity, through the critical criminology presented by Alessandro Baratta, the concepts of blackness, school, prison and the violence perpetrated in these environments. The methodology used for writing the article was the relevant bibliographic survey on the theme, legislation and surveys designed to demonstrate the profile of the people who attend these institutions, seeking a relationship of continuity or coexistence of the institutions when it comes to the black population.
This article intends to understand how the public control institutions act in the lives of black people, seeking the permanence of these people within the public system, making it impossible for them to transcend these places of abuse to a place that the black people have been denied since slavery, when this group was considered a commodity and in the post-abolition period with public policies aimed at the systematic exclusion of minorities. The work analyzed the way in which public control institutions relate to the black population according to the theories of structural racism in institutional form, criminal selectivity, through the critical criminology presented by Alessandro Baratta, the concepts of blackness, school, prison and the violence perpetrated in these environments. The methodology used for writing the article was the relevant bibliographic survey on the theme, legislation and surveys designed to demonstrate the profile of the people who attend these institutions, seeking a relationship of continuity or coexistence of the institutions when it comes to the black population.
Trabalho indicado pela banca examinadora ao Prêmio TCC
racismo , instituições públicas , educação , cárcere , racism , public institutions , education , prison