Incidente de resolução de demandas repetitivas e efetividade processual
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Faria, Rafaella Ferreira de
Fernandes, Luis Eduardo Simardi
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O Novo Código de Processo Civil trouxe como inovação ao ordenamento jurídico
brasileiro o instrumento processual chamado Incidente de Resolução de Demandas Repetitivas,
cuja inspiração veio do modelo alemão conhecido como Musterverfahren. O presente
instrumento surge em um cenário de intensificação de judicialização de casos da vida cotidiana,
com uma consequente sobrecarga do judiciário. Pretendeu o legislador com o Incidente de
Resolução de Demandas Repetitivas que quando houvesse repetição de casos discutindo assuntos
semelhantes, não tenham eles decisões conflitantes. O presente estudo analisa o processamento
deste instrumento à luz do princípio da efetividade processual, com uma coleta de dados dos
incidentes já instaurados no Tribunal de Justiça de São Paulo.
The New Code of Civil Procedure brought as an innovation to the Brazilian law the procedural instrument called the Incident of Resolution of Repetitive Demands, whose inspiration came from the German model known as Musterverfahren. The present instrument appears in a scenario of intensification of judicialization of cases of daily life, with a consequent overload of the judiciary. The legislator with the Incident of Incident of Resolution of Repetitive Demands intended that when there are repeated cases discussing similar issues, they would not have conflicting decisions. The present study analyzes the procedure of this instrument on the basis of the principle of procedural effectiveness, with a collection of data from the incidents already filed at the São Paulo Court of Justice.
The New Code of Civil Procedure brought as an innovation to the Brazilian law the procedural instrument called the Incident of Resolution of Repetitive Demands, whose inspiration came from the German model known as Musterverfahren. The present instrument appears in a scenario of intensification of judicialization of cases of daily life, with a consequent overload of the judiciary. The legislator with the Incident of Incident of Resolution of Repetitive Demands intended that when there are repeated cases discussing similar issues, they would not have conflicting decisions. The present study analyzes the procedure of this instrument on the basis of the principle of procedural effectiveness, with a collection of data from the incidents already filed at the São Paulo Court of Justice.
incidente de resolução de demandas repetitivas , efetividade processual , incident of resolution of repetitive demands , procedural effectiveness