O confisco alargado à luz da ordem jurídica constitucional brasileira
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Sales, João Paulo
Bechara, Fábio Ramazzini
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Este artigo pretende compreender o confisco alargado como instrumento eficiente para a prevenção e repressão ao crime organizado, notadamente por estancar fontes de financiamento a essa modalidade criminosa, não importando sua incorporação ao direito pátrio em supressões indevidas de direitos e garantias fundamentais. A análise terá como enfoque a presunção de inocência e o princípio da proporcionalidade, o que exigirá identificar a natureza jurídica da perda de bens, valendo-se inclusive do direito comparado, com o intuito de delimitar os bens jurídicos de índole constitucional colidentes. A conclusão, apesar do necessário aprimoramento das propostas legislativas em trâmite no Congresso Nacional a respeito da perda de bens alargada, é da conformidade da medida estudada com a ordem constitucional.
This article aims to understand extended confiscation as an efficient instrument for the prevention and repression of organized crime, notably by stopping sources of funding for this criminal modality, not meaning of its incorporation into national law in undue suppressions of fundamental rights and guarantees. The analysis will focus on the presumption of innocence and the principle of proportionality, which will require identifying the legal nature of the confiscation of property, including the comparative law, in order to delimit the legal goods of constitutional nature. The conclusion, despite the necessary improvement of the legislative proposals pending before the National Congress regarding the extended loss of assets, is that the measure studied conforms to the constitutional order.
This article aims to understand extended confiscation as an efficient instrument for the prevention and repression of organized crime, notably by stopping sources of funding for this criminal modality, not meaning of its incorporation into national law in undue suppressions of fundamental rights and guarantees. The analysis will focus on the presumption of innocence and the principle of proportionality, which will require identifying the legal nature of the confiscation of property, including the comparative law, in order to delimit the legal goods of constitutional nature. The conclusion, despite the necessary improvement of the legislative proposals pending before the National Congress regarding the extended loss of assets, is that the measure studied conforms to the constitutional order.
confisco alargado , presunção de inocência , proporcionalidade , extended confiscation , presumption of innocence , proportionality