O companheiro na condição de herdeiro necessário
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Dias, Victoria Gonçalves Siqueira
Corrêa, Márcia Maria de Barros
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O presente artigo visa demonstrar os avanços que o ordenamento jurídico do nosso país enfrentou para que a união estável fosse finalmente igualada ao instituto do casamento, criando direitos e deveres aos companheiros. Em relação ao direito do companheiro, o foco é direcionado para a decisão do Supremo Tribunal Federal que reconheceu a inconstitucionalidade do artigo 1.790 do Código Civil, desse modo, igualando o companheiro ao cônjuge para fins sucessórios.
This article aims to demonstrate the advances that the legal system of our country has faced in order that the stable union was finally equal to the institute of marriage, creating rights and duties for the partners. Related to the right of the partner, the focus is directed to the decision of the Supreme Federal Court that recognized the unconstitutionality of article 1.790 of the Civil Code, thus equating the partner with the spouse for succession purposes.
This article aims to demonstrate the advances that the legal system of our country has faced in order that the stable union was finally equal to the institute of marriage, creating rights and duties for the partners. Related to the right of the partner, the focus is directed to the decision of the Supreme Federal Court that recognized the unconstitutionality of article 1.790 of the Civil Code, thus equating the partner with the spouse for succession purposes.
união estável , companheiro , cônjuge , sucessão , herdeiro necessário , casamento , constituição , família , partilha , bens , descendentes , Stable union , partner , spouse , succession , heritage , marriage , constitutional , family , goods , shared , descendents