Uma análise da eficácia extrafiscal da tributação: o tratamento desigual entre bebidas e cigarros no Brasil
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Besser, Daniel Franco Calixto
Chimenti, Ricardo Cunha
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O consumo de bebidas alcoólicas e derivados de tabaco, embora configure uma tradição que
ultrapassa diversas gerações da história humana, é notoriamente prejudicial à saúde da
população. Entretanto, muito embora existam políticas tributárias instauradas pelo Estado
Brasileiro para reprimir tais hábitos e propiciar maior saúde ao povo, existem certas
controvérsias acerca da efetividade destas medidas para a redução das mazelas causadas pelo
uso destas substâncias. O presente trabalho objetiva oferecer uma análise acerca dos meios
empregados para a tributação dos cigarros e bebidas no sistema tributário brasileiro, sob a ótica
da extrafiscalidade e dos direitos fundamentais previstos na Constituição Federal de 1988.
Ademais, também é apresentado um estudo acerca da efetividade das medidas repressivas
atualmente adotadas, propondo-se possíveis alternativas que propiciarão um combate mais
efetivo aos produtos considerados nocivos à saúde dos cidadãos brasileiros, adotando-se uma
política focada na informação da população e no combate aos alicerces que propiciam e
incentivam o consumo de tais substâncias prejudiciais à malha social.
The consumption of alcoholic beverages and tobacco related products is a generation-wide tradition that surpasses many generations throughout human history, but it’s notoriously hazardous for the populational health. Although the Brazilian State adopts many fiscal policies to repress these habits and guarantee a minimal amount of health to the people, there are certain controversies regarding the efficiency of these policies in reducing the harm caused by the use of these substances. The present work aims to offer an analysis regarding the application of the fiscal policies related to tobacco and alcohol taxation in the Brazilian system under the notion of the taxes as a behavioral policy and the fundamental rights present in the Federal Constitution of 1988. Also, it is presented a study regarding the effectiveness of the repressive measures taken nowadays with the proposal of possible alternatives to improve the current struggle against these products that are considered hazardous to the Brazilian people’s health, with the adoption of informational policies and the discourage of the consumption related to these harmful substances that affect the current social fabric.
The consumption of alcoholic beverages and tobacco related products is a generation-wide tradition that surpasses many generations throughout human history, but it’s notoriously hazardous for the populational health. Although the Brazilian State adopts many fiscal policies to repress these habits and guarantee a minimal amount of health to the people, there are certain controversies regarding the efficiency of these policies in reducing the harm caused by the use of these substances. The present work aims to offer an analysis regarding the application of the fiscal policies related to tobacco and alcohol taxation in the Brazilian system under the notion of the taxes as a behavioral policy and the fundamental rights present in the Federal Constitution of 1988. Also, it is presented a study regarding the effectiveness of the repressive measures taken nowadays with the proposal of possible alternatives to improve the current struggle against these products that are considered hazardous to the Brazilian people’s health, with the adoption of informational policies and the discourage of the consumption related to these harmful substances that affect the current social fabric.
extrafiscalidade , direitos fundamentais , combate ao tabaco e bebidas alcoólicas , eficácia social , extrafiscality , fundamental rights , struggle against tobacco and alcoholic beverages , social effectiveness