Os limites da publicidade comparativa sob o prisma da concorrência desleal
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Barbosa, Isabela Esher Castro
Ariente, Eduardo Altomare
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O presente estudo tem por objetivo a análise da veiculação de publicidades
comparativas no Brasil, conceituando este modelo publicitário e apresentando o
tratamento legal desta no ordenamento jurídico brasileiro. Assim, serão
apresentadas e analisadas as vantagens e desvantagens da utilização deste método
publicitário, tanto sob a visão do veiculador quanto de seus concorrentes e
consumidores. Busca-se, também, esclarecer quais os limites da publicidade
comparativa com a concorrência desleal, de modo a investigar quais condutas
praticadas em relação a este método que são entendidas como ilícitas no
ordenamento jurídico brasileiro. Por fim, serão estudados casos concretos que
envolvam a questão, de modo a observar como se dá o entendimento do Superior
Tribunal de Justiça sobre a controvérsia. O método utilizado para a pesquisa será o
dedutivo, com apresentação de pesquisa doutrinária e jurisprudencial.
The current study aims to analyze the propagation of comparative advertising in Brazil, in order to conceptualize this type of advertising and present the corresponding legal treatment for this matter on Brazilian’s legal order. For that matter, it shall be presented and analyzed the advantages and disadvantages of the use of this advertising method, either under the vision of the advertising producer, and his competitors and consumers. Hereafter, it is expected to clarify the legal limits of the comparative advertising related to the unfair competition, in order to investigate which conducts can be qualified as illicit under the legal order. Finally, it will be studied concrete cases involving this matter, in order to observe the Superior Court’s position related to this controversial issue. This study is deductive, and it will be used the method of legal doctrine and jurisprudence researches.
The current study aims to analyze the propagation of comparative advertising in Brazil, in order to conceptualize this type of advertising and present the corresponding legal treatment for this matter on Brazilian’s legal order. For that matter, it shall be presented and analyzed the advantages and disadvantages of the use of this advertising method, either under the vision of the advertising producer, and his competitors and consumers. Hereafter, it is expected to clarify the legal limits of the comparative advertising related to the unfair competition, in order to investigate which conducts can be qualified as illicit under the legal order. Finally, it will be studied concrete cases involving this matter, in order to observe the Superior Court’s position related to this controversial issue. This study is deductive, and it will be used the method of legal doctrine and jurisprudence researches.
publicidade comparativa , concorrência desleal , comparative advertising , unfair competition