Tributação dos serviços de streaming – análise histórica, constitucional e jurisprudencial para determinar qual tributo deverá incidir sobre essa atividade
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Souza, Luis Felipe Brito de
Sabbag, Eduardo de Moraes
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O presente trabalho tem como objetivo analisar qual é o tratamento tributário mais
adequado a ser aplicado aos serviços de streaming, centralizando nosso estudo no
Imposto Sobre Serviços (ISS) e no Imposto sobre a Circulação de Mercadorias e
Serviços (ICMS), a fim de verificar se algum desses dois tributos pode incidir sobre
essa atividade sob o ponto de vista constitucional. Para isso, partiremos de uma
análise de cada um dos tributos, estudando seus conceitos e suas hipóteses de
incidência e comparando essas informações com a doutrina e os estudos prévios já
realizados sobre o tema. Na sequência, iremos analisar a legislação criada sobre a
incidência do ISS e do ICMS sobre os serviços de streaming e a validade das mesmas,
bem como as manifestações judiciais existentes acerca da temática.
The present study intends to analyze which is the correct tax treatment applicable to streaming services according to the Federal Constitution of 1988, focusing our analysis on the Brazilian municipal Tax on Services (ISS) and on the state Tax on the Circulation of Merchandise and Services (ICMS). For this purpose, we will analyze each of the taxes, studying its concepts and triggering events in the light of legal doctrine and previous studies made regarding this topic. Following, we will analyze the legislation created regarding the incidence of ISS and ICMS to streaming services and its validity, as well as the existing judicial manifestations about this matter.
The present study intends to analyze which is the correct tax treatment applicable to streaming services according to the Federal Constitution of 1988, focusing our analysis on the Brazilian municipal Tax on Services (ISS) and on the state Tax on the Circulation of Merchandise and Services (ICMS). For this purpose, we will analyze each of the taxes, studying its concepts and triggering events in the light of legal doctrine and previous studies made regarding this topic. Following, we will analyze the legislation created regarding the incidence of ISS and ICMS to streaming services and its validity, as well as the existing judicial manifestations about this matter.
ISS , ICMS , serviços de streaming , tributação , inconstitucionalidade , streaming services , taxing , unconstitutionality