Pacote anticrime: mudanças na lei de execução penal
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Moraes, Giovanna Rafaella Belista
Barone, Marcelo Luiz
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O presente trabalho busca realizar uma análise sobre as mudanças promovidas na Lei de
Execução Penal por meio da Lei nº 13.964, de 24 de dezembro de 2019, também conhecida
como Pacote Anticrime. Referida lei foi elaborada pelo ex-ministro da Justiça e Segurança
Pública, Sérgio Fernando Moro, cujo objetivo principal era o combate à criminalidade,
especialmente aqueles delitos praticados por organizações criminosas e decorrentes de
corrupção. Não obstante as alterações legislativas tenham ocorrido em todo o sistema penal
brasileiro (Código Penal, Código de Processo Penal e leis extravagantes – p. ex. Lei das
Organizações Criminosas e sobre Interceptação Telefônica, n.º
12.850/13 e 9.296/96,
respectivamente), o objetivo da presente pesquisa é apontar considerações sobre as principais
alterações ocorridas na Lei de Execução Penal e no sistema carcerário, diante das inúmeras
adequações que, visando o combate à criminalidade e a sensação de impunidade, endureceram
o sistema como um todo.
The presente study aims to perform an analysis of the chances promoted in the Lei de Execução Penal through the Law No. 13.964, of December 24, 2019. Also known as Anticrime Package. This law was proposed by the ex-minister of Justice and Public Security, Sérgio Fernando Moro, whose main objective was to oppose criminality, especially those crimes committed by criminal associations and derived from corruption. Notwithstanding the legislative changes have occurred throughout the Brazilian Penal System (Penal Code, Penal Procedure Code and extravagant laws – eg Criminal Association Law and Telephone Interception Law, No. 12,850/13 and 9.296/96, respectively), the present study aims to point out considerations on the main changes that have occurred in the Lei de Execução Penal and in the prison system, in view of the numerous adaptations that, in order to combat crime and the feeling of impunity, have hardened the system as a whole.
The presente study aims to perform an analysis of the chances promoted in the Lei de Execução Penal through the Law No. 13.964, of December 24, 2019. Also known as Anticrime Package. This law was proposed by the ex-minister of Justice and Public Security, Sérgio Fernando Moro, whose main objective was to oppose criminality, especially those crimes committed by criminal associations and derived from corruption. Notwithstanding the legislative changes have occurred throughout the Brazilian Penal System (Penal Code, Penal Procedure Code and extravagant laws – eg Criminal Association Law and Telephone Interception Law, No. 12,850/13 and 9.296/96, respectively), the present study aims to point out considerations on the main changes that have occurred in the Lei de Execução Penal and in the prison system, in view of the numerous adaptations that, in order to combat crime and the feeling of impunity, have hardened the system as a whole.
alteração legislativa , pacote anticrime , lei 13.964/2019 , consequências na lei de execução penal , legislative change , anticrime package , consequences in the penal execution law , changes in LEP