Tomada de decisão apoiada: eventuais responsabilizações do apoiador
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Silva, Luísa de Souza Palma
Melo, Diogo Leonardo Machado de
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O presente artigo tem como objetivo analisar o instituto da Tomada de Decisão
Apoiada, pincelar as principais alterações que o Estatuto da Pessoa com Deficiência (Lei
nº 13.146, de 2015) impôs ao Direito Civil e seguir com a análise das principais funções
e eventuais responsabilizações dos apoiadores, partindo do estudo de outros dois
institutos do Direito Assistencial: tutela e curatela, com base na análise comparativa entre
estes e a Tomada de Decisão Apoiada no que se refere à estrutura, objetivos e disposições
existentes, a fim de compreender semelhanças e diferenças e desenhar um melhor modelo
para esta, principalmente quanto às funções e responsabilizações.
This article has the scope to analyze the Supported decision-making institute, to outline the main changes that the Brazilian Law of Inclusion (Law No. 13.146, 2015) imposed on Civil Law and to continue with the analysis of the main functions and possible responsibilities of the supporters, based on the study of two other institutes of the Assistance Law: guardianship and trusteeship, based on the comparative analysis between these and the Supported decision-making regarding to the structure, goals and existing provisions, in order to understand the similarities and differences, building a better model for this one, mainly regarding to the roles and responsibilities.
This article has the scope to analyze the Supported decision-making institute, to outline the main changes that the Brazilian Law of Inclusion (Law No. 13.146, 2015) imposed on Civil Law and to continue with the analysis of the main functions and possible responsibilities of the supporters, based on the study of two other institutes of the Assistance Law: guardianship and trusteeship, based on the comparative analysis between these and the Supported decision-making regarding to the structure, goals and existing provisions, in order to understand the similarities and differences, building a better model for this one, mainly regarding to the roles and responsibilities.
tomada de decisão apoiada , estatuto da pessoa com deficiência , tutela , curatela , supported decision-making , brazilian law of inclusion , guardianship , trusteeship