Direito à moradia: a deficiência na política habitacional
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Zarantonelli, Mayara Silva
Pires, Lilian Regina Gabriel Moreira
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A moradia digna constitui um direito social no país, além de configurar um direito inerente à personalidade humana. A não efetivação deste direito propicia a violação a inúmeros outros direitos e valores que visam assegurar a dignidade do ser humano. Inicialmente, este trabalho aborda o estudo histórico do surgimento do direito à moradia, da função social da propriedade, da habitação social e da atuação do Estado no Brasil. Dessa maneira, procura-se entender a construção da ideia de moradia como direito fundamental, por meio dos direitos sociais na Constituição, nos Tratados Internacionais dos Direitos Humanos ratificados pelo Brasil e, ainda por outros diplomas legais infraconstitucionais. Focaliza, em seguida, a compreensão da regulamentação dos instrumentos legais de efetivação do direito à moradia, abordando a legislação infraconstitucional brasileira, criadora de alguns instrumentos que visam assegurar um espaço urbano saudável, que proporcione o bem-estar coletivo, a segurança, e o equilíbrio ambiental, bem como garantir a moradia digna. Por fim, há uma análise do financiamento da política habitacional, apontando sua fragilidade diante de decisões relativas a liberação de FGTS. Diante do exposto, é possível um planejamento democrático no Brasil?
Dignified housing constitutes a social right in the country, besides constituting a right inherente to the human personality. Not carrying out this right caracterizes the violation of countless other rights and values that seek to ensure the dignity of the human being. Initially, this paper discusses the historical study of the emergence of the right to housing, the social function of property, social housing and the State’s role in Brazil. In this way, it seeks to understand the construction of the idea of housing as a fundamental right, through social rights in the Constitution, in the international treaties of human rights ratified by Brazil, and in other non-constitucional legal acts. It focuses, then, on the understanding of the regulation of the legal instruments of effecting the right to housing, addressing the Brazilian infraconstitutional legislation, creating some instruments that aim to ensure a healthy urban space, which provide collective welfare, safety, and environmental balance, as well as ensure dignified housing. Finally, there is an analysis of housing policy financing, pointing out its fragility in the face of decisions regarding the release of FGTS. Based on the above considerations, is democratic planning possible in Brazil?
Dignified housing constitutes a social right in the country, besides constituting a right inherente to the human personality. Not carrying out this right caracterizes the violation of countless other rights and values that seek to ensure the dignity of the human being. Initially, this paper discusses the historical study of the emergence of the right to housing, the social function of property, social housing and the State’s role in Brazil. In this way, it seeks to understand the construction of the idea of housing as a fundamental right, through social rights in the Constitution, in the international treaties of human rights ratified by Brazil, and in other non-constitucional legal acts. It focuses, then, on the understanding of the regulation of the legal instruments of effecting the right to housing, addressing the Brazilian infraconstitutional legislation, creating some instruments that aim to ensure a healthy urban space, which provide collective welfare, safety, and environmental balance, as well as ensure dignified housing. Finally, there is an analysis of housing policy financing, pointing out its fragility in the face of decisions regarding the release of FGTS. Based on the above considerations, is democratic planning possible in Brazil?
direito à moradia , habitação social , moradia digna , instrumentos de efetivação do direito à moradia , planejamento , right to housing , social housing , dignified housing , instruments for effecting the righ to housing , planning